Build Restful CRUD API for a simple Book-Manage application using Spring MVC, Mysql and Hibernate.
Java - 1.8.x
Maven - 3.3.9
MySQL - 5.7.12
1. Clone the application
git clone
2. Create Mysql database
create database bookdb
3. Change mysql username and password as per your installation
as per your mysql installation
4. Build and run the app using maven
mvn package
A new WAR file will be generated at project/target/bookapi-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
, just copy and deploy to your Tomcat.
The app will start running at http://localhost:8080/bookapi/.
The app defines following CRUD APIs.
GET /api/book
POST /api/book
GET /api/book/{bookId}
PUT /api/book/{bookId}
DELETE /api/book/{bookId}
You can test them using postman or any other rest client.