The Atheer repository project is for test automation, smoke/regression testing, and automation scripting.
This repository demonstrates how to utilise automation tools and scripts to perform software testing in the Pronto application.- Faster test execution compared to manual test
- Repeatability
- Smoke testing
- Mavenised tests
- Selenium - Browser automation framework
- Maven - Dependency management
- Cucumber - Behavior Driven Development tool
- Junit - Testing framework
- TestNG - Testing framework
- Extent report - Reporting framework
- WebDriverManager - Local driver binary management
- AWS S3 - To import and upload files
- Automation script for testing
- Smoke tests
- Module wise functionalities testing
- Install latest JAVA JRE from
- Install an IDE-code editor
- Clone repository
- Open repository in IDE
- Enter valid credentials in config file. (located at - src/test/java/resources/configuration/
- Open testRunner file. (located at - src/test/java/runner/ and change features value to "./src/test/java/features/core/"
- Enter a tag value (anyone) : @all or @{{specific module name}} or @smoke
- Right click on Project and select MAVEN and reload the project. (It will download the dependencies necessary for the project's operation)
- Run the testRunner file to perform the test scenarios.
- After the test scenarios have run, open the root folder containing the name - test-output.
- Expand folders and go to Spark-reports.
- Open spark-report.html in your browser to view the automation report that was generated based on the most recent execution.
Contributions are always welcome!
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines