Update Fortinet AMI's to v6.4.5 (v6.4.4 went EOL)(#745 )
Update to latest Codebuild build image (previous went EOL)(#732 )
Tweak SCP's (#734 )
block services without 3rd party assessments (Lightsail, Sumerian, Cloud9, Gamelift, Appflow)
block Amazon IQ (Freelancer Marketplace)
remove services from global services exception list (Import/Export, Mobile Analytics, Well Architected)
remove deletion prevention for cf-template-* S3 buckets (no longer required)
Add a new lower cost PBMM config file for PoC/test purposes (#5 in )
Fix TGW cross account VPC attachments issue (#732 )
Enable TGW static routes on non-peered TGW's (#735 )
Enable static routing on VPN Attachments (#741 )(#743 )
Fix issue when multiple VPC peering connections created in same account (#743 )
Enable multiple routes in VPC route tables pointing to same PCX, TGW or NATGW connection (#743 )
Minor FAQ and Installation document enhancements (#730 )(#734 )
Config file changes
Tweak Security Hub disabled rules (OPTIONAL)(#734 )
Enable PCI.KMS.1 and CIS2.8
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