Python library of tools for easier use of Sentinel Hub products.
Library requires Python 2 version >=2.7 or Python 3. It can be installed using pip
pip install sentinelhub
or manually
cd sentinelhub
python build
python install
Tool for downloading Sentinel-2 data from Sentinel-2 on AWS and reconstruction into ESA .SAFE format.
- Supports old and new (i.e. compact) .SAFE formats.
- Requires either S-2 product ID or name and date of one tile inside the product.
- Can either download entire product or only return a map of a .SAFE file structure.
- Supports command line entries.
- Supports threaded download and redownloading existing data (not by default).
.SAFE format details:
Files in reconstructed .SAFE format follow the rules of ESA naming convention. Reconstructed format differs from the original only in the following:
- Folders HTML and rep_info inside main product folder do not contain any data.
- Auxiliary file inside AUX_DATA folder of every tile in old .SAFE format does not have original name. Instead it is named AUX_ECMWFT which is the same as in compact .SAFE format.
- Function for downloading .SAFE format
download_safe_format(product_id=None, tile=None, folder='.', redownload=False, threaded_download=False, entire_product=False)
It can either take ID name of a product or name and date of a tile in form tile=(name, date)
(e.g. tile=('T38TML','2015-12-19')
In case tile
is specified and entire_product=True
it will download entire product corresponding to that tile. Otherwise it will download only the tile.
- Function for returning map structure of .SAFE format
get_safe_format(product_id=None, tile=None, entire_product=False)
It returns map in a form {'folder_name' : { 'subfolder_name' : { ... {'file_name': 'url_of_file_on_aws', ...}... }...}...}
- Download product
With Python
>>> sentinelhub.download_safe_format('S2A_MSIL1C_20170414T003551_N0204_R016_T54HVH_20170414T003551')
or with command line
$ --product S2A_MSIL1C_20170414T003551_N0204_R016_T54HVH_20170414T003551
- Get .SAFE structure
With Python
>>> sentinelhub.get_safe_format('S2A_MSIL1C_20170414T003551_N0204_R016_T54HVH_20170414T003551')
or with command line
$ --product S2A_MSIL1C_20170414T003551_N0204_R016_T54HVH_20170414T003551 -i
- Download tile
With Python
>>> sentinelhub.download_safe_format(tile=('T38TML', '2015-12-19'))
or with command line
$ --tile T54HVH 2017-04-14
(Please note that this specification is not always unique as there might be multiple tiles with the same name and date.)
- Download entire product corresponding to tile
With Python
>>> sentinelhub.download_safe_format(tile=('T38TML', '2015-12-19'), entire_product=True)
or with command line
$ --tile T54HVH 2017-04-14 -e
(Please note that this specification is not always unique as there might be multiple tiles with the same name and date.)
- For more functionalities check:
$ --help
Tool for downloading data from any URL address into file with specified name.
sentinelhub.download_data(requstList, redownload=False, threaded_download=False)
where requestList = (url, filename)
or requestList = [(url1, filename1), (url2, filename2), ...]
- Download an image from AWS using Python
With Python
>>> sentinelhub.download_data(('', 'MyFolder/TestImage.jp2'))
or with command line
$ MyFolder/TestImage.jp2 -rt