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Releases: bblanchon/ArduinoJson

ArduinoJson 6.17.2

14 Nov 09:44
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Changes since 6.17.1

  • Fixed invalid conversion error in operator|(JsonVariant, char*) (issue #1432)
  • Changed the default value of ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_PROGMEM (issue #1433).
    It now checks that the pgm_read_XXX macros are defined before enabling PROGMEM.

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.17.2.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it into you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.17.2.h and ArduinoJson-v6.17.2.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.17.1

07 Nov 09:19
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Changes since 6.17.0

  • Fixed error ambiguous overload for 'operator|' (issue #1411)
  • Fixed operator|(MemberProxy, JsonObject) (issue #1415)
  • Allowed more than 32767 values in non-embedded mode (issue #1414)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.17.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it into you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.17.1.h and ArduinoJson-v6.17.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.17.0

19 Oct 09:42
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Changes since 6.16.1

  • Added a build failure when nullptr is defined as a macro (issue #1355)
  • Added JsonDocument::overflowed() which tells if the memory pool was too small (issue #1358)
  • Added DeserializationError::EmptyInput which tells if the input was empty
  • Added DeserializationError::f_str() which returns a const __FlashStringHelper* (issue #846)
  • Added operator|(JsonVariantConst, JsonVariantConst)
  • Added filtering for MessagePack (issue #1298, PR #1394 by Luca Passarella)
  • Moved float convertion tables to PROGMEM
  • Fixed JsonVariant::set((char*)0) which returned false instead of true (issue #1368)
  • Fixed error No such file or directory #include <WString.h> (issue #1381)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.17.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.17.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.17.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.16.1

04 Aug 08:39
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Changes since 6.16.0

  • Fixed deserializeJson() that stopped reading after {} (issue #1335)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.16.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.16.1.h and ArduinoJson-v6.16.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.16.0

01 Aug 13:36
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Changes since 6.15.2

  • Added comparisons (>, >=, ==, !=, <, and <=) between JsonVariants
  • Added string deduplication (issue #1303)
  • Added JsonString::operator!=
  • Set ARDUINOJSON_DECODE_UNICODE to 1 by default
  • Fixed copyArray() not working with String, ElementProxy, and MemberProxy
  • Fixed error getOrAddElement is not a member of ElementProxy (issue #1311)
  • Fixed excessive stack usage when compiled with -Og (issues #1210 and #1314)
  • Fixed Warning[Pa093]: implicit conversion from floating point to integer on IAR compiler (PR #1328 by @stawiski)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.16.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.16.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.16.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.15.2

15 May 07:33
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Changes since 6.15.1

  • CMake: don't build tests when imported in another project
  • CMake: made project arch-independent
  • Visual Studio: fixed error C2766 with flag /Zc:__cplusplus (issue #1250)
  • Added support for JsonDocument to copyArray() (issue #1255)
  • Added support for enums in as<T>() and is<T>() (issue #1256)
  • Added JsonVariant as an input type for deserializeXxx()
    For example, you can do: deserializeJson(doc2, doc1["payload"])
  • Break the build if using 64-bit integers with ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG==0

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager or equivalent
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.15.2.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.15.2.h and ArduinoJson-v6.15.2.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.15.1

08 Apr 16:30
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Changes since 6.15.0

  • Fixed "maybe-uninitialized" warning (issue #1217)
  • Fixed "statement is unreachable" warning on IAR (issue #1233)
  • Fixed "pointless integer comparison" warning on IAR (issue #1233)
  • Added CMake "install" target (issue #1209)
  • Disabled alignment on AVR (issue #1231)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.15.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.15.1.h and ArduinoJson-v6.15.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.15.0

22 Mar 20:16
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Changes since 6.14.1

  • Added DeserializationOption::Filter (issue #959)
  • Added example JsonFilterExample.ino
  • Changed the array subscript operator to automatically add missing elements
  • Fixed "deprecated-copy" warning on GCC 9 (fixes #1184)
  • Fixed MemberProxy::set(char[]) not duplicating the string (issue #1191)
  • Fixed enums serialized as booleans (issue #1197)
  • Fixed incorrect string comparison on some platforms (issue #1198)
  • Added move-constructor and move-assignment to BasicJsonDocument
  • Added BasicJsonDocument::garbageCollect() (issue #1195)
  • Added StaticJsonDocument::garbageCollect()
  • Changed copy-constructor of BasicJsonDocument to preserve the capacity of the source.
  • Removed copy-constructor of JsonDocument (issue #1189)

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Copy-constructor of BasicJsonDocument

In previous versions, the copy constructor of BasicJsonDocument looked at the source's memoryUsage() to choose its capacity.
Now, the copy constructor of BasicJsonDocument uses the same capacity as the source.

DynamicJsonDocument doc1(64);
DynamicJsonDocument doc2 = doc1;
Serial.print(doc2.capacity());  // 8 with ArduinoJson 6.14
                                // 64 with ArduinoJson 6.15

I made this change to get consistent results between copy-constructor and move-constructor, and whether RVO applies or not.
If you use the copy-constructor to optimize your documents, you can use garbageCollect() or shrinkToFit() instead.

Copy-constructor of JsonDocument

In previous versions, it was possible to create a function that take a JsonDocument by value.

void myFunction(JsonDocument doc) {}

This function gives the wrong clues because it doesn't receive a copy of the JsonDocument, only a sliced version.
It worked because the copy constructor copied the internal pointers, but it was an accident.
From now, if you need to pass a JsonDocument to a function, you must use a reference:

void myFunction(JsonDocument& doc) {}

How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.15.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.15.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.15.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.14.1

27 Jan 14:11
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Changes since 6.14.0

  • Fixed regression in UTF16 decoding (issue #1173)
  • Fixed containsKey() on JsonVariantConst
  • Added getElement() and getMember() to JsonVariantConst

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.14.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.14.1.h and ArduinoJson-v6.14.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.14.0

16 Jan 19:55
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Looking for a human-readable version?
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Changes since 6.13.0

  • Added BasicJsonDocument::shrinkToFit()
  • Added support of uint8_t for serializeJson(), serializeJsonPretty(), and serializeMsgPack() (issue #1142)
  • Added ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_COMMENTS to enable support for comments (defaults to 0)
  • Auto enable support for std::string and std::stream on modern compilers (issue #1156)
  • Improved decoding of UTF-16 surrogate pairs (PR #1157 by @kaysievers)
    (ArduinoJson now produces standard UTF-8 instead of CESU-8)
  • Added measureJson, measureJsonPretty, and measureMsgPack to keywords.txt
    (This file is used for syntax highlighting in the Arduino IDE)
  • Fixed<nullptr_t>()
  • Fixed value returned by serializeJson(), serializeJsonPretty(), and serializeMsgPack() when writing to a String
  • Improved speed of serializeJson(), serializeJsonPretty(), and serializeMsgPack() when writing to a String


Support for comments in input is now optional and disabled by default.

If you need support for comments, you must defined ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_COMMENTS to 1; otherwise, you'll receive InvalidInput errors.

#include <ArduinoJson.h>

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.14.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.14.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.14.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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