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Releases: bblanchon/ArduinoJson

ArduinoJson 6.13.0

01 Nov 09:43
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Changes since 6.12.0

  • Added support for custom writer/reader classes (issue #1088)
  • Added conversion from JsonArray and JsonObject to bool, to be consistent with JsonVariant
  • Fixed deserializeJson() when input contains duplicate keys (issue #1095)
  • Improved deserializeMsgPack() speed by reading several bytes at once
  • Added detection of Atmel AVR8/GNU C Compiler (issue #1112)
  • Fixed deserializer that stopped reading at the first 0xFF (PR #1118 by @mikee47)
  • Fixed dangling reference in copies of MemberProxy and ElementProxy (issue #1120)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.13.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.13.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.13.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.12.0

05 Sep 07:39
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Changes since 6.11.5

  • Use absolute instead of relative includes (issue #1072)
  • Changed JsonVariant::as<bool>() to return true for any non-null value (issue #1005)
  • Moved ancillary files to extras/ (issue #1011)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.12.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.12.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.12.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.5

23 Aug 06:44
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Changes since 6.11.4

  • Added fallback implementations of strlen_P(), strncmp_P(), strcmp_P(), and memcpy_P() (issue #1073)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.5.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.5.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.5.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.4

12 Aug 13:16
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Changes since 6.11.3

  • Added measureJson() to the ArduinoJson namespace (PR #1069 by @nomis)
  • Added support for basic_string<char, traits, allocator> (issue #1045)
  • Fixed example JsonConfigFile.ino for ESP8266
  • Include Arduino.h if ARDUINO is defined (PR #1071 by @nomis)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.4.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.4.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.4.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.3

22 Jul 07:04
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Changes since 6.11.2

  • Added operators == and != for JsonDocument, ElementProxy, and MemberProxy
  • Fixed comparison of JsonVariant when one contains a linked string and the other contains an owned string (issue #1051)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.3.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.3.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.3.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.2

08 Jul 06:48
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Changes since 6.11.1

  • Fixed assignment of JsonDocument to JsonVariant (issue #1023)
  • Fix invalid conversion error on Particle Argon (issue #1035)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.2.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.2.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.2.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.1

21 Jun 06:53
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Changes since 6.11.0

  • Fixed serialized() not working with Flash strings (issue #1030)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.11.0

26 May 19:20
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Changes since 6.10.1

  • Fixed deserializeJson() silently accepting a Stream* (issue #978)
  • Fixed invalid result from operator| (issue #981)
  • Made deserializeJson() more picky about trailing characters (issue #980)
  • Added ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_NAN (default=0) to enable NaN in JSON (issue #973)
  • Added ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_INFINITY (default=0) to enable Infinity in JSON
  • Removed implicit conversion in comparison operators (issue #998)
  • Added lexicographical comparison for JsonVariant
  • Added support for nullptr (issue #998)


NaN and Infinity

The JSON specification allows neither NaN not Infinity, but previous
versions of ArduinoJson supported it. Now, ArduinoJson behaves like most
other libraries: a NaN or and Infinity in the JsonDocument, becomes
a null in the output JSON. Also, deserializeJson() returns
InvalidInput if the JSON document contains NaN or Infinity.

This version still supports NaN and Infinity in JSON documents, but
it's disabled by default to be compatible with other JSON parsers.
If you need the old behavior back, define ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_NAN and

#include <ArduinoJson.h>

The "or" operator

This version slightly changes the behavior of the | operator when the
variant contains a float and the user requests an integer.

Older versions returned the floating point value truncated.
Now, it returns the default value.

// suppose variant contains 1.2
int value = variant | 3;

// old behavior:
value == 1

// new behavior
value == 3

If you need the old behavior, you must add if (<float>()).

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.11.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.11.0.h and ArduinoJson-v6.11.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.10.1

23 Apr 06:53
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Changes since 6.10.0

  • Fixed error "attributes are not allowed on a function-definition"
  • Fixed deserializeJson() not being picky enough (issue #969)
  • Fixed error "no matching function for call to write(uint8_t)" (issue #972)

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.10.1.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.10.1.h are ArduinoJson-v6.10.1.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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ArduinoJson 6.10.0

22 Mar 21:08
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Looking for a human-readable version?
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Special note ⚠️

ArduinoJson 6 requires updating code written for version 5.
See the migration guide for details.

Changes since 6.9.1

  • Fixed an integer overflow in the JSON deserializer
  • Added overflow handling in JsonVariant::as<T>() and JsonVariant::is<T>().
    • as<T>() returns 0 if the integer T overflows
    • is<T>() returns false if the integer T overflows
  • Added BasicJsonDocument to support custom allocator (issue #876)
  • Added JsonDocument::containsKey() (issue #938)
  • Added JsonVariant::containsKey()

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How to install

There are several ways to install ArduinoJson, from simpler to more complex:

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager
  2. Download ArduinoJson-v6.10.0.h put it in your project folder
  3. Download and extract it in you libraries folder

Note: ArduinoJson-v6.10.0.h are ArduinoJson-v6.10.0.hpp are almost identical; the difference is that the .hpp keeps everything in the ArduinoJson namespace.

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