An open source bitcoin wallet app template for iOS based on the Daily wallet reference design from the Bitcoin Design Guide.
You can try a Testflight version of the app, and interact with the faucet over at MutinyNet

- LDK Node - to handle both onchain and lightning bitcoin needs
- KeychainAccess - to store encrypted data in keychain
- Bitcoin UI - swift implentation of the Bitcoin UI Kit
- Create new wallet for both onchain and lightning
- Backup encrypted mnemonic to iOS keychain
- Start from said backup if present
- Receive bitcoin onchain
- Receive bitcoin with lightning with JUST-IN-TIME channels provided by LSPS2 provider
- Send bitcoin onchain
- Send bitcoin with lightning
Please see this issue that tracks known issues. Comment if you find new ones.
Currently only encrypted backup of mnemonic to the iOS keychain is supported. At the moment it uses a static encryption key. No lightning node data is currently backed up. Deleting the app WILL LEAD TO LOSS OF FUNDS.