This is a full-stack personal project management tool designed to help users efficiently manage their tasks, projects, and deadlines. It is built with a Java backend using Spring Boot for RESTful APIs and a React frontend with Redux for state management. The application is secured with JWT tokens to ensure authentication and authorization.
- Java (JDK 17+ recommended)
- Spring Boot (for REST APIs and business logic)
- Spring Security (for authentication & authorization)
- JWT (JSON Web Token) (for secure access control)
- MySQL (for data storage)
- JPA/Hibernate (for ORM and database interaction)
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- React (for building UI components)
- Redux (for state management)
- React Router (for navigation)
- Axios (for API calls)
- Material-UI or Tailwind CSS (for styling, if used)
- User authentication and authorization with JWT
- Create, update, and delete projects & tasks
- Assign tasks to projects
- Track project progress
- Secure user authentication with hashed passwords
- API endpoints for CRUD operations on tasks and projects
- Responsive frontend for a seamless user experience
Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for any improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
🚀 Happy coding!