A Meteor package wrapper of DateDropper, Felice Gattuso's excellent jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields.
In a Meteor app directory, enter:
meteor add bjimdar:datedropper
DateDropper extends any input form field of type="text" to allow date formatting.
Since dateDropper is a jQuery plugin, typically you would call it in the rendered callback of your template. Use a jQuery css-style selector string to select the controls you want to enable dateDropper on.
Note: using this.$()
is an optimization in Meteor projects that will cause
jQuery to only search this template for selector matches.
This can be quite a bit faster then using $() which will search the entire DOM.
Template.foo.rendered = function() {
You can specify options to customize dateDropper on the initial dateDropper function call as follows:
var options = {
placeholder: "choose date...",
$( ".date-field-selector" ).dateDropper(options);
The following options can be passed in to the dateDropper call:
A date format string that dateDropper expects existing values to be in and will write dates out it.
###Format String codes:
Code | Description | Example |
M | Short month | "Jan" .. "Dec" |
F | Long month | "January" .. "December" |
m | Numeric month | "01", "02" .. "12" ) |
n | Non-padded numeric month | "1" .. "12" |
Y | Long numeric year | "2015" |
d | Padded numeric day | "01", "02" .. "31" |
j | Non-Padded Numeric day | "1", "2" .. "31" |
D | Short day-of-week | "Sun" .. "Sat" |
l | Long day-of-week | "Sunday" .. "Saturday" |
###Format String Examples:
Example | Output | Description |
"m-d-Y" | "04/01/2001" | Default format |
"m" | "04" | specifying "m" by itself will cause day and year controls to be hidden |
"Y" | "2001" | specifying "Y" by itself will cause day and Month controls to be hidden |
"M j, Y" | "Apr 1, 2001" | Space and commas ok to use |
"l F j, Y" | "Sunday April 1, 2001" | Nice long format |
"n/j/Y" | "4/1/2001" | No-padding. Slashes ok |
Display Language to use for Month name and Day-of-week
- English (default)it
- Italianhu
- Hungarianes
- Espanolde
- Deustchenl
- Dutchfr
- Francaispt
- Portuguesesi
- Slovenian
A text value to insert into text input when no value is set.
Default value is "Select date"
The oldest year the control will allow.
Default value is 1970
The highest year value the control will allow.
Default value is current year.
Animation Style to use when changing dates.There are three available animation values:
- Defaultbounce
Specify a color value for drop down accent color.
Default is orange (#f87a54
For more customization, overwrite css styles specified in datedropper.css
What in the world does this do? Default: false.
When set to true (default) the dropdown will run an initial state animation when the user clicks the control for the first time.
lock option | Description |
lock=false |
Nothing locked. Default. |
lock="from" |
Set the initial value to current date. |
lock="to" |
Lock the control value to current date. |
###About datedropper### http://felicegattuso.com/projects/datedropper/