Safe Keeping is a diary tracker and emotional first aid kit designed to help people learn and practice coping skills and track their daily mental health. Users can add therapists who can view their progress through the companion web app.
- Rails API backend. PostgreSQL database.
- Gems: bcrypt, JWT, Active Model Serializers, Rack CORS, dotenv.
- React Native w/ Redux mobile app.
- Libraries: React Navigation, React Native Calendar, React Native Slider, Expo SecureStore, React Native Modal Datetime Picker, React Native Reanimated, React Native Gesture Handler, React Native SVG.
- React w/ Redux web app.
- Libraries: React Router DOM, Victory.
- Link to mobile frontend
- Link to web frontend
- You are reading this on the backend README.
- Run
bundle install
in the backend directory. Runrails db:migrate
. - Run
rails s
and open the server on port 3000. - Run
yarn install
in both frontend repositories. - Start expo in the mobile directory using
expo start
and run the app in a device simulator. You may have to use the most recent LTS node version. - Start the web app on an open port using
yarn start