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Terraform module which creates a ECS service to be deployed Fargate or EC2.


EC2 Service using a Application Load Balancer

module "ecs_service" {
  source                   = "git::"
  application_path         = "/v1/service" 
  attach_load_balancer     = true
  cluster_name             = "ecs-cluster-name"
  external_lb_listener_arn = ""
  external_lb_name         = ""
  internal_lb_listener_arn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:account-id:listener/app/intlb"
  internal_lb_name         = "intlb"
  is_exposed_externally    = false
  priority                 = 1
  service_name             = var.service_name
  task_definition_arn      =
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-124552462"
  tags                     = merge(local.common_tags, var.tags)

EC2 Service without a Application Load Balancer

module "ecs_service" {
  source                   = "git::"
  cluster_name             = "ecs-cluster-name"
  service_name             = var.service_name
  task_definition_arn      =
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-124552462"
  tags                     = merge(local.common_tags, var.tags)

Fargate Service using a Application Load Balancer

module "ecs_service" {
  source                   = "git::"
  assign_public_ip         = true
  application_path         = "/v1/service" 
  attach_load_balancer     = true
  cluster_name             = "ecs-cluster-name"
  external_lb_listener_arn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:account-id:listener/app/extlb"
  external_lb_name         = "extlb"
  internal_lb_listener_arn = ""
  internal_lb_name         = ""
  is_exposed_externally    = true
  launch_type              = "FARGATE"
  priority                 = 5
  security_groups          = var.security_groups.*.id
  service_name             = var.service_name
  subnets                  = var.subnets.*.id
  task_definition_arn      =
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-124552462"
  tags                     = merge(local.common_tags, var.tags)

Fargate Service without a Application Load Balancer

module "ecs_service" {
  source              = "git::"
  assign_public_ip    = true
  cluster_arn         = data.terraform_remote_state.btse_cluster.outputs.ecs_cluster_id
  desired_count       = "1"
  launch_type         = "FARGATE"
  security_groups     = var.security_groups.*.id
  service_name        = var.service_name
  subnets             = var.subnets.*.id
  task_definition_arn =
  vpc_id              = "vpc-124552462"
  tags                = merge(local.common_tags, var.tags)

Fargate External Service

module "ecs_service" {
  source                   = "git::"
  assign_public_ip         = true
  application_path         = "/v1/service" 
  attach_load_balancer     = true
  cluster_name             = "ecs-cluster-name"
  external_lb_listener_arn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:account-id:listener/app/extlb"
  external_lb_name         = "extlb"
  internal_lb_listener_arn = ""
  internal_lb_name         = ""
  is_exposed_externally    = true
  launch_type              = "FARGATE"
  priority                 = 5
  security_groups          = var.security_groups.*.id
  service_name             = var.service_name
  subnets                  = var.subnets.*.id
  task_definition_arn      =
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-124552462"
  tags                     = merge(local.common_tags, var.tags)


Name Description Type Default Required
alarm_actions The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state list(string) [] no
assign_public_ip Assign a public IP address to the ENI. Required for Fargate services boolean false no
application_path The path which the load balancer will route to. /* will be appended string - no
attach_load_balancer Set to true if load balancers will be attached boolean false no
cluster The short name or ARN of the ECS cluster where the service will be deployed string - yes
container_port The port number which the application is listening to inside the container number 8080 no
cpu_utilization_alarm_statistic The statistic of service cpu utilization string Average no
cpu_utilization_alarm_threshold The threshold of service cpu utilization number 75 no
cpu_utilization_evaluation_periods The evaluation periods of service cpu utilization alarm number 5 no
desired_count The desired amount of services running at any given time number 2 no
deregistration_delay The number of seconds the load balancer waits before setting the service to unused from draining number 30 no
enable_ecs_managed_tags Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks within the service boolean false no
external_lb_listener_arn The external load balancers ARN string - no
external_lb_name The friendly name of the external load balancer string - no
healthcheck_grace_period The grace period to give the healthchecks number 300 no
healthcheck_path The path which will be used for healthchecks number /actuator/health no
healthy_threshold The number of healthchecks until a service is deemed healthy number 2
internal_lb_listener_arn The internal load balancers ARN string - no
internal_lb_name The friendly name of the internal load balancer string - no
is_exposed_externally Determines if the service will be attached to the external load balancer boolean false no
launch_type The launch type on which to run your service string EC2 no
memory_utilization_alarm_statistic The statistic of service memory utilization string Average no
memory_utilization_alarm_threshold The threshold of service memory utilization number 90 no
memory_utilization_evaluation_periods The evaluation periods of service memory utilization alarm number 5 no
placement_constraints The rules that are taken into consideration during task placement list(map(object({type = string expression = string}))) [] no
placement_strategy Service level strategy rules that are taken into consideration during task placement list(map(object({type = string field = string}))) [ { type = "spread" field = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone" }, {type = "binpack" field = "memory"}] no
platform_version The platform version on which to run your service string LATEST no
priority The priority of the target group in the load balancer number 1 no
propagate_tags Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks string TASK_DEFINITION no
scheduling_strategy The scheduling strategy to use for the service string REPLICA no
security_groups The security groups associated with the task or service. Required for Fargate services list(string) [] no
service_name The name of the service - yes
service_role_policy_arn The ARN of the IAM role which will be attached at the service level arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole no
subnets The subnets associated with the task or service list(string) [] no
tags A map of tags to add to the appropriate resources map(string) <map> no
task_definition_arn The full ARN of the task definition that you want to run in your service string - yes
unhealthy_threshold The number of healthchecks until a service is deemed unhealthy number 3 no
vpc_id The VPC ID which the load balancer listener(s) will be part of string - yes


Name Description
target_group_name The name of the target group
ecs_service_name The id of the service


Terraform module which creates/deploys a service to ECS






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