Boost.Redis is a high-level Redis client library built on top of Boost.Asio that implements the Redis protocol RESP3. The requirements for using Boost.Redis are
- Boost 1.84 or higher.
- C++17 or higher.
- Redis 6 or higher (must support RESP3).
- GCC (11, 12), Clang (11, 13, 14) and Visual Studio (16 2019, 17 2022).
- Have basic-level knowledge about Redis and Boost.Asio.
To use the library it is necessary to include
#include <boost/redis/src.hpp>
in no more than one source file in your applications. To build the examples and tests with cmake run
# Linux
$ BOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_84_0 cmake -S <source-dir> -B <binary-dir>
# Windows
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -B bin64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
For more details see
The code below uses a short-lived connection to ping the Redis server
auto co_main(config const& cfg) -> net::awaitable<void>
auto conn = std::make_shared<connection>(co_await net::this_coro::executor);
conn->async_run(cfg, {}, net::consign(net::detached, conn));
// A request containing only a ping command.
request req;
req.push("PING", "Hello world");
// Response object.
response<std::string> resp;
// Executes the request.
co_await conn->async_exec(req, resp);
std::cout << "PING: " << std::get<0>(resp).value() << std::endl;
The roles played by the async_run
and async_exec
functions are
: Execute the commands contained in the request and store the individual responses in theresp
object. Can be called from multiple places in your code concurrently.async_run
: Resolve, connect, ssl-handshake, resp3-handshake, health-checks, reconnection and coordinate low-level read and write operations (among other things).
Redis servers can also send a variety of pushes to the client, some of them are
The connection class supports server pushes by means of the
function, which can be
called in the same connection that is being used to execute commands.
The coroutine below shows how to used it
receiver(std::shared_ptr<connection> conn) -> net::awaitable<void>
request req;
req.push("SUBSCRIBE", "channel");
generic_response resp;
// Loop while reconnection is enabled
while (conn->will_reconnect()) {
// Reconnect to channels.
co_await conn->async_exec(req, ignore);
// Loop reading Redis pushes.
for (;;) {
error_code ec;
co_await conn->async_receive(resp, net::redirect_error(net::use_awaitable, ec));
if (ec)
break; // Connection lost, break so we can reconnect to channels.
// Use the response resp in some way and then clear it.
Redis requests are composed of one or more commands (in the Redis documentation they are called pipelines). For example
// Some example containers.
std::list<std::string> list {...};
std::map<std::string, mystruct> map { ...};
// The request can contain multiple commands.
request req;
// Command with variable length of arguments.
req.push("SET", "key", "some value", "EX", "2");
// Pushes a list.
req.push_range("SUBSCRIBE", list);
// Same as above but as an iterator range.
req.push_range("SUBSCRIBE", std::cbegin(list), std::cend(list));
// Pushes a map.
req.push_range("HSET", "key", map);
Sending a request to Redis is performed with boost::redis::connection::async_exec
as already stated. The
object inside the request dictates how
the boost::redis::connection
the request is handled in some
situations. The reader is advised to read it carefully.
Boost.Redis uses the following strategy to deal with Redis responses
used for requests whose number of commands are not dynamic.boost::redis::generic_response
used when the size is dynamic.
For example, the request below has three commands
request req;
req.push("INCR", "key");
and therefore its response will also contain three elements which can be read in the following reponse object
response<std::string, int, std::string>
The response behaves as a tuple and must
have as many elements as the request has commands (exceptions below).
It is also necessary that each tuple element is capable of storing the
response to the command it refers to, otherwise an error will occur.
To ignore responses to individual commands in the request use the tag
, for example
// Ignore the second and last responses.
response<std::string, ignore_t, std::string, ignore_t>
The following table provides the resp3-types returned by some Redis commands
Command | RESP3 type | Documentation |
lpush | Number | |
lrange | Array | |
set | Simple-string, null or blob-string | |
get | Blob-string | |
smembers | Set | |
hgetall | Map | |
To map these RESP3 types into a C++ data structure use the table below
RESP3 type | Possible C++ type | Type |
Simple-string | std::string |
Simple |
Simple-error | std::string |
Simple |
Blob-string | std::string , std::vector |
Simple |
Blob-error | std::string , std::vector |
Simple |
Number | long long , int , std::size_t , std::string |
Simple |
Double | double , std::string |
Simple |
Null | std::optional<T> |
Simple |
Array | std::vector , std::list , std::array , std::deque |
Aggregate |
Map | std::vector , std::map , std::unordered_map |
Aggregate |
Set | std::vector , std::set , std::unordered_set |
Aggregate |
Push | std::vector , std::map , std::unordered_map |
Aggregate |
For example, the response to the request
request req;
req.push("HELLO", 3);
req.push_range("RPUSH", "key1", vec);
req.push_range("HSET", "key2", map);
req.push("LRANGE", "key3", 0, -1);
req.push("HGETALL", "key4");
can be read in the response object below
redis::ignore_t, // hello
int, // rpush
int, // hset
std::vector<T>, // lrange
std::map<U, V>, // hgetall
std::string // quit
> resp;
Then, to execute the request and read the response use async_exec
shown below
co_await conn->async_exec(req, resp);
If the intention is to ignore responses altogether use ignore
// Ignores the response
co_await conn->async_exec(req, ignore);
Responses that contain nested aggregates or heterogeneous data types will be given special treatment later in The general case. As of this writing, not all RESP3 types are used by the Redis server, which means in practice users will be concerned with a reduced subset of the RESP3 specification.
Commands that have no response like
must NOT be included in the response tuple. For example, the request below
request req;
req.push("SUBSCRIBE", "channel");
must be read in the response object response<std::string, std::string>
It is not uncommon for apps to access keys that do not exist or that
have already expired in the Redis server, to deal with these usecases
wrap the type with an std::optional
as shown below
> resp;
Everything else stays the same.
To read responses to transactions we must first observe that Redis
will queue the transaction commands and send their individual
responses as elements of an array, the array is itself the response to
the EXEC
command. For example, to read the response to this request
req.push("GET", "key1");
req.push("LRANGE", "key2", 0, -1);
req.push("HGETALL", "key3");
use the following response type
using boost::redis::ignore;
ignore_t, // multi
ignore_t, // QUEUED
ignore_t, // QUEUED
ignore_t, // QUEUED
std::optional<std::string>, // get
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>>, // lrange
std::optional<std::map<std::string, std::string>> // hgetall
> // exec
> resp;
For a complete example see cpp20_containers.cpp.
There are cases where responses to Redis commands won't fit in the model presented above, some examples are
- Commands (like
) whose responses don't have a fixed RESP3 type. Expecting anint
and receiving a blob-string results in an error. - RESP3 aggregates that contain nested aggregates can't be read in STL containers.
- Transactions with a dynamic number of commands can't be read in a
To deal with these cases Boost.Redis provides the boost::redis::resp3::node
abstraction, that is the most general form of an element in a
response, be it a simple RESP3 type or the element of an aggregate. It
is defined like this
template <class String>
struct basic_node {
// The RESP3 type of the data in this node.
type data_type;
// The number of elements of an aggregate (or 1 for simple data).
std::size_t aggregate_size;
// The depth of this node in the response tree.
std::size_t depth;
// The actual data. For aggregate types this is always empty.
String value;
Any response to a Redis command can be received in a
. The vector can be seen as a
pre-order view of the response tree. Using it is not different than
using other types
// Receives any RESP3 simple or aggregate data type.
boost::redis::generic_response resp;
co_await conn->async_exec(req, resp);
For example, suppose we want to retrieve a hash data structure
from Redis with HGETALL
, some of the options are
: Works always.std::vector<std::string>
: Efficient and flat, all elements as string.std::map<std::string, std::string>
: Efficient if you need the data as astd::map
.std::map<U, V>
: Efficient if you are storing serialized data. Avoids temporaries and requiresboost_redis_from_bulk
In addition to the above users can also use unordered versions of the
containers. The same reasoning applies to sets e.g. SMEMBERS
and other data structures in general.
Boost.Redis supports serialization of user defined types by means of the following customization points
// Serialize.
void boost_redis_to_bulk(std::string& to, mystruct const& obj);
// Deserialize
void boost_redis_from_bulk(mystruct& u, node_view const& node, boost::system::error_code&)
These functions are accessed over ADL and therefore they must be imported in the global namespace by the user. In the Examples section the reader can find examples showing how to serialize using json and protobuf.
The examples below show how to use the features discussed so far
- cpp20_intro.cpp: Does not use awaitable operators.
- cpp20_intro_tls.cpp: Communicates over TLS.
- cpp20_containers.cpp: Shows how to send and receive STL containers and how to use transactions.
- cpp20_json.cpp: Shows how to serialize types using Boost.Json.
- cpp20_protobuf.cpp: Shows how to serialize types using protobuf.
- cpp20_resolve_with_sentinel.cpp: Shows how to resolve a master address using sentinels.
- cpp20_subscriber.cpp: Shows how to implement pubsub with reconnection re-subscription.
- cpp20_echo_server.cpp: A simple TCP echo server.
- cpp20_chat_room.cpp: A command line chat built on Redis pubsub.
- cpp17_intro.cpp: Uses callbacks and requires C++17.
- cpp17_intro_sync.cpp: Runs
in a separate thread and performs synchronous calls toasync_exec
The main function used in some async examples has been factored out in the main.cpp file.
This document benchmarks the performance of TCP echo servers I implemented in different languages using different Redis clients. The main motivations for choosing an echo server are
- Simple to implement and does not require expertise level in most languages.
- I/O bound: Echo servers have very low CPU consumption in general and therefore are excellent to measure how a program handles concurrent requests.
- It simulates very well a typical backend in regard to concurrency.
I also imposed some constraints on the implementations
- It should be simple enough and not require writing too much code.
- Favor the use standard idioms and avoid optimizations that require expert level.
- Avoid the use of complex things like connection and thread pool.
To reproduce these results run one of the echo-server programs in one terminal and the echo-server-client in another.
First I tested a pure TCP echo server, i.e. one that sends the messages directly to the client without interacting with Redis. The result can be seen below
The tests were performed with a 1000 concurrent TCP connections on the localhost where latency is 0.07ms on average on my machine. On higher latency networks the difference among libraries is expected to decrease.
- I expected Libuv to have similar performance to Asio and Tokio.
- I did expect nodejs to come a little behind given it is is javascript code. Otherwise I did expect it to have similar performance to libuv since it is the framework behind it.
- Go did surprise me: faster than nodejs and libuv!
The code used in the benchmarks can be found at
- Asio: A variation of this Asio example.
- Libuv: Taken from here Libuv example .
- Tokio: Taken from here.
- Nodejs
- Go
This is similar to the echo server described above but messages are echoed by Redis and not by the echo-server itself, which acts as a proxy between the client and the Redis server. The results can be seen below
The tests were performed on a network where latency is 35ms on average, otherwise it uses the same number of TCP connections as the previous example.
As the reader can see, the Libuv and the Rust test are not depicted in the graph, the reasons are
redis-rs: This client comes so far behind that it can't even be represented together with the other benchmarks without making them look insignificant. I don't know for sure why it is so slow, I suppose it has something to do with its lack of automatic pipelining support. In fact, the more TCP connections I launch the worse its performance gets.
Libuv: I left it out because it would require me writing to much c code. More specifically, I would have to use hiredis and implement support for pipelines manually.
The code used in the benchmarks can be found at
Redis clients have to support automatic pipelining to have competitive performance. For updates to this document follow
The main reason for why I started writing Boost.Redis was to have a client compatible with the Asio asynchronous model. As I made progresses I could also address what I considered weaknesses in other libraries. Due to time constraints I won't be able to give a detailed comparison with each client listed in the official list, instead I will focus on the most popular C++ client on github in number of stars, namely
Before we start it is important to mention some of the things redis-plus-plus does not support
- The latest version of the communication protocol RESP3. Without that it is impossible to support some important Redis features like client side caching, among other things.
- Coroutines.
- Reading responses directly in user data structures to avoid creating temporaries.
- Error handling with support for error-code.
- Cancellation.
The remaining points will be addressed individually. Let us first have a look at what sending a command a pipeline and a transaction look like
auto redis = Redis("tcp://");
// Send commands
redis.set("key", "val");
auto val = redis.get("key"); // val is of type OptionalString.
if (val)
std::cout << *val << std::endl;
// Sending pipelines
auto pipe = redis.pipeline();
auto pipe_replies = pipe.set("key", "value")
.rename("key", "new-key")
.rpush("list", {"a", "b", "c"})
.lrange("list", 0, -1)
// Parse reply with reply type and index.
auto set_cmd_result = pipe_replies.get<bool>(0);
// ...
// Sending a transaction
auto tx = redis.transaction();
auto tx_replies = tx.incr("num0")
.mget({"num0", "num1"})
auto incr_result0 = tx_replies.get<long long>(0);
// ...
Some of the problems with this API are
- Heterogeneous treatment of commands, pipelines and transaction. This makes auto-pipelining impossible.
- Any Api that sends individual commands has a very restricted scope of usability and should be avoided for performance reasons.
- The API imposes exceptions on users, no error-code overload is provided.
- No way to reuse the buffer for new calls to e.g. redis.get in order to avoid further dynamic memory allocations.
- Error handling of resolve and connection not clear.
According to the documentation, pipelines in redis-plus-plus have the following characteristics
NOTE: By default, creating a Pipeline object is NOT cheap, since it creates a new connection.
This is clearly a downside in the API as pipelines should be the default way of communicating and not an exception, paying such a high price for each pipeline imposes a severe cost in performance. Transactions also suffer from the very same problem.
NOTE: Creating a Transaction object is NOT cheap, since it creates a new connection.
In Boost.Redis there is no difference between sending one command, a pipeline or a transaction because requests are decoupled from the IO objects.
redis-plus-plus also supports async interface, however, async support for Transaction and Subscriber is still on the way.
The async interface depends on third-party event library, and so far, only libuv is supported.
Async code in redis-plus-plus looks like the following
auto async_redis = AsyncRedis(opts, pool_opts);
Future<string> ping_res =;
cout << ping_res.get() << endl;
As the reader can see, the async interface is based on futures which is also known to have a bad performance. The biggest problem however with this async design is that it makes it impossible to write asynchronous programs correctly since it starts an async operation on every command sent instead of enqueueing a message and triggering a write when it can be sent. It is also not clear how are pipelines realised with this design (if at all).
The High-Level page documents all public types.
Acknowledgement to people that helped shape Boost.Redis
- Richard Hodges (madmongo1): For very helpful support with Asio, the design of asynchronous programs, etc.
- VinĂcius dos Santos Oliveira (vinipsmaker): For useful discussion about how Boost.Redis consumes buffers in the read operation.
- Petr Dannhofer (Eddie-cz): For helping me understand how the
command can influence each other. - Mohammad Nejati (ashtum): For pointing out scenarios where calls to
should fail when the connection is lost. - Klemens Morgenstern (klemens-morgenstern): For useful discussion about timeouts, cancellation, synchronous interfaces and general help with Asio.
- Vinnie Falco (vinniefalco): For general suggestions about how to improve the code and the documentation.
- Bram Veldhoen (bveldhoen): For contributing a Redis-streams example.
Also many thanks to all individuals that participated in the Boost review
- Zach Laine:
- Vinnie Falco:
- Christian Mazakas:
- Ruben Perez:
- Dmitry Arkhipov:
- Alan de Freitas:
- Mohammad Nejati:
- Sam Hartsfield:
- Miguel Portilla:
- Robert A.H. Leahy:
The Reviews can be found at: The thread with the ACCEPT from the review manager can be found here:
(Issue 233) To deal with keys that might not exits in the Redis server, the library supports
, for exampleresponse<std::optional<std::vector<std::string>>>
. In some cases however, such as the MGET command, each element in the vector might be non exiting, now it is possible to specify a response asresponse<std::optional<std::vector<std::optional<std::string>>>>
. -
(Issue 225) Use
as the connection default completion token. -
(Issue 128) Adds a new
overload that allows passing response adapters. This makes it possible to receive Redis responses directly in custom data structures thereby avoiding uncessary data copying. Thanks to Ruben Perez (@anarthal) for implementing this feature. -
There are also other multiple small improvements in this release, users can refer to the git history for more details.
(Issue 205) Improves reaction time to disconnection by using
instead ofwait_for_all
. The functionconnection::async_run
was also changed to return EOF to the user when that error is received from the server. That is a breaking change. -
(Issue 210) Fixes the adapter of empty nested reposponses.
(Issues 211 and 212) Fixes the reconnect loop that would hang under certain conditions, see the linked issues for more details.
(Issue 219) Changes the default log level from
(Issue 170) Under load and on low-latency networks it is possible to start receiving responses before the write operation completed and while the request is still marked as staged and not written. This messes up with the heuristics that classifies responses as unsolicied or not.
(Issue 168). Provides a way of passing a custom SSL context to the connection. The design here differs from that of Boost.Beast and Boost.MySql since in Boost.Redis the connection owns the context instead of only storing a reference to a user provided one. This is ok so because apps need only one connection for their entire application, which makes the overhead of one ssl-context per connection negligible.
(Issue 181). See a detailed description of this bug in this comment.
(Issue 182). Sets
as the default value ofconfig::username
. This makes it simpler to use therequirepass
configuration in Redis. -
(Issue 189). Fixes narrowing conversion by using
instead ofstd::uint64_t
for the sizes of bulks and aggregates. The code relies now onstd::from_chars
returning an error if a value greater than 32 is received on platforms on which the size ofstd::size_t
is 32.
Deprecates the
overload that takes a response. Users should now first callset_receive_response
to avoid constantly and unnecessarily setting the same response. -
to type erase the response adapter. This change should not influence users in any way but allowed important simplification in the connections internals. This resulted in massive performance improvement. -
The connection has a new member
that returns the connection usage information, such as number of bytes written, received etc. -
There are massive performance improvements in the consuming of server pushes which are now communicated with an
and therefore can be buffered which avoids blocking the socket read-loop. Batch reads are also supported by means ofchannel.try_send
and buffered messages can be consumed synchronously withconnection::receive
. The functionboost::redis::cancel_one
has been added to simplify processing multiple server pushes contained in the samegeneric_response
. IMPORTANT: These changes may result in more than one push in the response whenconnection::async_receive
resumes. The user must therefore be careful when callingresp.clear()
: either ensure that all message have been processed or just useconsume_one
to make it possible to choose a database before starting running commands e.g. after an automatic reconnection. -
Massive performance improvement. One of my tests went from 140k req/s to 390k/s. This was possible after a parser simplification that reduced the number of reschedules and buffer rotations.
Adds Redis stream example.
Renames the project to Boost.Redis and moves the code into namespace
. -
As pointed out in the reviews the
names were too generic for ADL customization points. They gained the prefixboost_redis_
. -
. -
Adds new typedef
that should be used instead ofstd::tuple
. -
Adds new typedef
that should be used instead ofstd::vector<resp3::node<std::string>>
. -
. -
to receive aredis::response
instead of an adapter, namely, instead of passingadapt(resp)
users should passresp
directly. -
to store responses to commands including possible resp3 errors without losing the error diagnostic part. To access values now usestd::get<N>(resp).value()
instead ofstd::get<N>(resp)
. -
Implements full-duplex communication. Before these changes the connection would wait for a response to arrive before sending the next one. Now requests are continuously coalesced and written to the socket.
became unnecessary and was removed. I could measure significative performance gains with these changes. -
Improves serialization examples using Boost.Describe to serialize to JSON and protobuf. See cpp20_json.cpp and cpp20_protobuf.cpp for more details.
Upgrades to Boost 1.81.0.
Fixes build with libc++.
Adds high-level functionality to the connection classes. For example,
will automatically resolve, connect, reconnect and perform health checks.
- Renames
. (v1.4.1) - Removes dependency on Boost.Hana,
, Boost.Variant2 and Boost.Spirit. - Fixes build and setup CI on windows.
Upgrades to Boost 1.80.0
Removes automatic sending of the
command. This can't be implemented properly without bloating the connection class. It is now a user responsibility to send HELLO. Requests that contain it have priority over other requests and will be moved to the front of the queue, seeaedis::request::config
Automatic name resolving and connecting have been removed from
. Users have to do this step manually now. The reason for this change is that having them built-in doesn't offer enough flexibility that is need for boost users. -
Removes healthy checks and idle timeout. This functionality must now be implemented by users, see the examples. This is part of making Aedis useful to a larger audience and suitable for the Boost review process.
is now using a typeddef to anet::ip::tcp::socket
. Users that need to use other stream type must now specializeaedis::basic_connection
. -
Adds a low level example of async code.
supports now tuples created withstd::tie
is now an alias to the type ofstd::ignore
. -
Provides allocator support for the internal queue used in the
class. -
Changes the behaviour of
to complete with success if asio::error::eof is received. This makes it easier to write composed operations with awaitable operators. -
Adds allocator support in the
(a contribution from Klemens Morgenstern). -
. The suffix 2 was used for disambiguation. Klemens fixed it with SFINAE. -
. Now, it will only cause connections to be canceled whenasync_run
completes. -
which will cause a request to be canceled ifasync_exec
is called before a connection has been established. -
Introduces new request flag
that if set to true will cause the request to not be canceled when it was sent to Redis but remained unresponded afterasync_run
completed. It provides a way to avoid executing commands twice. -
Removes the
overload that takes request and adapter as parameters. -
Changes the way
behaves withstd::vector<aedis::resp3::node<T>>
. Receiving RESP3 simple errors, blob errors or null won't causes an error but will be treated as normal response. It is the user responsibility to check the content in the vector. -
Fixes a bug in
. Now this call will only cancel non-written requests. -
Implements per-operation implicit cancellation support for
. The following call willco_await (conn.async_exec(...) || timer.async_wait(...))
will cancel the request as long as it has not been written. -
completion signature tof(error_code)
. This is how is was in the past, the second parameter was not helpful. -
from theaedis::connection::config
, it became a request property now, seeaedis::request::config::coalesce
. -
from theaedis::connection::config
. The maximum read size can be specified now as a parameter of theaedis::adapt()
function. -
class, see intro_sync.cpp for how to perform synchronous and thread safe calls. This is possible in Boost. 1.80 only as it requiresboost::asio::deferred
. -
Moves from
. This is part of moving to C++17. -
Changes the behaviour of the second
overload so that it always returns an error when the connection is lost. -
Adds TLS support, see intro_tls.cpp.
Adds an example that shows how to resolve addresses over sentinels, see subscriber_sentinel.cpp.
Adds a
. This is timeout used to send theHELLO
command. -
where in addition to host and port, users can optionally provide username, password and the expected server role (seeaedis::error::unexpected_server_role
). -
checks whether the server role received in the hello command is equal to the expected server role specified inaedis::endpoint
. To skip this check let the role variable empty. -
Removes reconnect functionality from
. It is possible in simple reconnection strategies but bloats the class in more complex scenarios, for example, with sentinel, authentication and TLS. This is trivial to implement in a separate coroutine. As a result theenum event
have been removed from the class too. -
Fixes a bug in
that prevented passing any response adapter other thatadapt(std::vector<node>)
. -
Changes the behaviour of
that caused RESP3 errors to be ignored. One consequence of it is thatconnection::async_run
would not exit with failure in servers that required authentication. -
Changes the behaviour of
that would cause it to complete with success when an error in theconnection::async_exec
occurred. -
Ports the buildsystem from autotools to CMake.
Adds experimental cmake support for windows users.
Adds new class
that wraps anaedis::connection
in a thread-safe and synchronous API. All free functions from thesync.hpp
are now member functions ofaedis::sync
. -
in two functions, one to receive events and another for server side pushes, seeaedis::connection::async_receive_push
. -
Removes collision between
. -
enum to replacecancel_*
member functions with a single cancel function that gets the operations that should be cancelled as argument. -
Bugfix: a bug on reconnect from a state where the
object had unsent commands. It could causeasync_exec
to never complete under certain conditions. -
Bugfix: Documentation of
functions were missing from Doxygen.
functions to offer a thread safe and synchronous way of executing requests across threads. Seeintro_sync.cpp
for examples. -
was renamed toasync_receive_event
. -
is now being used to communicate internal events to the user, such as resolve, connect, push etc. For examples see cpp20_subscriber.cpp andconnection::event
. -
directory has been moved toinclude
to look more similar to Boost libraries. Users should now replace-I/aedis-path
in the compiler flags. -
commands are now sent automatically. This change was necessary to implement reconnection. The username and password used inAUTH
should be provided by the user onconnection::config
. -
Adds support for reconnection. See
. -
Fixes a bug in the
connection::async_run(host, port)
overload that was causing crashes on reconnection. -
Fixes the executor usage in the connection class. Before these changes it was imposing
on users. -
is not cancelled anymore whenconnection::async_run
exits. This change makes user code simpler. -
with host and port overload has been removed. Use the otherconnection::async_run
overload. -
The host and port parameters from
have been move toconnection::config
to better support authentication and failover. -
Many simplifications in the
example. -
Fixes build in clang the compilers and makes some improvements in the documentation.
- Fixes a bug that happens on very high load. (v0.2.1)
- Major rewrite of the high-level API. There is no more need to use the low-level API anymore.
- No more callbacks: Sending requests follows the ASIO asynchronous model.
- Support for reconnection: Pending requests are not canceled when a connection is lost and are re-sent when a new one is established.
- The library is not sending HELLO-3 on user behalf anymore. This is important to support AUTH properly.
- Adds reconnect coroutine in the
example. (v0.1.2) - Corrects
to launch operation. (v0.1.2) - Improvements in the documentation. (v0.1.2)
- Avoids dynamic memory allocation in the client class after reconnection. (v0.1.2)
- Improves the documentation and adds some features to the high-level client. (v.0.1.1)
- Improvements in the design and documentation.
- First release to collect design feedback.