Morse code decoder embedded project for the Arduino Uno. It uses four buttons to enter morse signals and create a message. Message is shown on a 16x2 LCD display (HITACHI HD4478).
avr-hal as AVR hardware abstraction layer to compile code to AVR architecture and use it's API's to program the chip.
morse-codec as morse decoder library that forms text messages from morse signals on the fly.
ag-lcd as LCD display driver.
Install prerequisites as described in the
README (avr-gcc
). -
cargo build
to build the firmware. -
cargo run
to flash the firmware to a connected board. Ifravedude
fails to detect your board, check its documentation at -
will open a console session after flashing where you can interact with the UART console of your board. You can use this to debug the code.
Licensed under
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or