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@bynary/composables / @bynary/composables/class / IBindModifierOptions

Interface: IBindModifierOptions

A set of options for bindModifier

Extended by



optional baseClass: string

The base class. There is usually one base class per component.

While you're always able to explicitly set a base class via the options, it's recommended to use the provideBaseClass function to provide the base class to the component. Especially, when using useModifier/bindModifier or useModifierGroup/bindModifierGroup multiple times in one directive or component.

WARNING: If you don't provide a base class either via options.baseClass or via provideBaseClass, an error will be thrown!


const isLoading = signal(false);

bindModifier('is-loading', isLoading, { baseClass: 'my-button' }); // <my-component class="my-button"></my-component>

Defined in


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