This is a Scala compiler plugin to emulate the "typed holes" feature of Haskell, Idris, Agda, etc.
Whenever you use ???
in your code, the compiler plugin will generate a
compiler warning containing useful information about it.
For example, given the Scala code
package example
object Example {
def foo(x: Int, y: String): Boolean = {
if (y.length == x) {
??? // TODO implement!
} else {
def bar(x: Int): String = x match {
case 0 => "zero"
case 1 => "one"
case _ => ???
you'll get warnings that look something like this:
[warn] /Users/chris/code/scala-typed-holes/src/test/scala/example/Example.scala:7:7:
[warn] Found hole with type: Boolean
[warn] Relevant bindings include
[warn] x: Int (bound at Example.scala:5:11)
[warn] y: String (bound at Example.scala:5:19)
[warn] ??? // TODO implement!
[warn] ^
[warn] /Users/chris/code/scala-typed-holes/src/test/scala/example/Example.scala:16:15:
[warn] Found hole with type: String
[warn] Relevant bindings include
[warn] x: Int (bound at Example.scala:13:11)
[warn] case _ => ???
[warn] ^
The plugin also supports named holes. Instead of using ???
, you can give
custom names to your holes.
For example, code like this
def hello(args: Array[String]): Option[Result] = Foo.doStuff(args) match {
case Left(error) => __left
case Right(x) => __right
will result in warnings like this
Found hole 'left' with type: Option[Result]
Relevant bindings include
args: Array[String] (bound at input.scala:11:13)
error: String (bound at input.scala:12:15)
case Left(error) => __left
Named holes must start with a double underscore.
Warning: if you happen to use a naming convention that includes double underscores (which is pretty rare in Scala), this plugin will probably trash your code!
In sbt:
addCompilerPlugin("com.github.cb372" % "scala-typed-holes" % "0.1.4" cross CrossVersion.full)
The plugin is published for the following Scala versions:
- 2.11.12
- 2.12.{8, 9, 10, 11}
- 2.13.{0, 1, 2, 3}
By passing a compiler option -P:typed-holes:log-level:<level>
, you can control
the severity with which holes are logged.
means holes will be logged as informational messageswarn
means holes will be logged as compiler warningserror
means holes will be logged as compiler errors, so your program will fail to compile if it contains any holes.
The default behaviour is to log holes as warnings.
If you are using sbt, you can pass the option like this:
scalacOptions += "-P:typed-holes:log-level:info"