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🌀 Ciclo

A functional training loops library for JAX

ciclo provides a set of utilities and abstractions to build complex training loops with any JAX framework. ciclo defines a set of building blocks that naturally compose together and scale up to build higher-level abstractions, ranging from low-level custom training loops to Keras-like training APIs.


✔️ Training utilities
✔️ Loop language
✔️ Predefined Loops
🧪 Managed API (simplified training + parallelism support) [experimental]
🧪 Framework support (predifined states) [experimental]


Ciclo is still in early development, the API is subject to change, expect things to break. If you are interested in contributing, please reach out.

Getting Started

To get started with Ciclo, you can install it via pip:

pip install ciclo

Once you've installed Ciclo, you can import it into your Python script:

import ciclo

🌀 Loop Language

The loop function in ciclo serves as a mini-language for defining training loops by composing functions. With the tasks dictionary, you can express the desired behavior of the loop as a composition of schedules and their corresponding callbacks.

To use the loop function, you first define your training steps as JAX functions, and then create a dictionary where the keys are schedules, and the values are lists of callbacks to execute at each scheduled interval.

def train_step(state, batch):
    ... # do JAX stuff to update state
    logs = ciclo.logs()
    logs.add_metric("accuracy", accuracy)
    logs.add_metric("loss", loss)
    return logs, state

total_steps = 100
state = create_state() # initial state

state, history, elapsed = ciclo.loop(
    state, # Pytree
    dataset, # Iterable[Batch]
    { # Schedule: List[Callback]
        ciclo.every(1): [train_step],
        ciclo.every(steps=10): [ciclo.checkpoint(f"logdir/model")],
        ciclo.every(1): [ciclo.keras_bar(total=total_steps)],
80/100 [=====================>.....] - ETA: 42s - accuracy: 0.6148 - loss: 1.537120

At each iteration, callbacks can update the state and append new logs, the loop function returns the final state, the history of logs, and the elapsed time. Depending on the nature of each callback, the order in which they are executed may be very important e.g. keras_bar should always be last so that it can display the metrics produced by previous callbacks.

Predefined Loops

ciclo provides a set of predefined loops that you can use out of the box for common scenarios:

  • train_loop: a training loop with an inner evaluation loop
  • test_loop: an evaluation loop
  • predict_loop: an inference loop

All of these loops are built on top of the loop function and extend the loop language with additional named schedules which run at specific points in the loop. They also provide a callbacks argument allows you to add callbacks without specifying a schedule, instead, if they contain an attribute that matches the name of a named schedule it will be automatically registered to that schedule. This also applies for methods of the state object.

Here's an example of how to use the train_loop:

def test_step(state, batch):
    ... # do JAX stuff
    logs = ciclo.logs()
    logs.add_metric("accuracy", accuracy)
    logs.add_metric("loss", loss)
    return logs, state

state, history, elapsed = ciclo.train_loop(
    state, # Pytree
    train_dataset, # Iterable[Batch]
    { # Schedule: List[Callback]
        ciclo.on_train_step: [train_step], # named schedules
        ciclo.on_test_step: [test_step], # named schedules
        ciclo.every(20): [some_callback], # regular schedules also supported
    test_dataset=lambda: get_test_dataset(), # lazy test dataset definition
        # callback self-registration
        ciclo.keras_bar(total=total_steps), # runs on ciclo.on_train_batch_end
        ciclo.checkpoint(f"logdir/model"),  # runs on ciclo.on_epoch_end
80/100 [=====================>.....] - ETA: 42s - accuracy: 0.6148 - loss: 1.537120

Managed API 🧪

The managed API aims to simplify the process of creating JAX programs for common patterns, such as jit, data parallelism with pmap, etc. To use this API, you need to define a compatible state type, which can be easily achieved by creating an instance of managed.ManagedState or a subclass of it.

from ciclo import managed

state = managed.ManagedState.create(
    params=params, # can be any pytree
    tx=optax.adamw(1e-3), # optax optimizer
    strategy="jit", # "data-parallel" or "eager"

With the managed API, you can use the train_step decorator to define a training step easily. The managed.train_step function expects you to return logs with at least one loss, which will be used to automatically compute the gradients and update the parameters.

def train_step(state, batch):
    loss = ... # compute loss
    logs = ciclo.logs()
    logs.add_loss("loss", loss) # <<< register loss
    return logs, state

for batch in train_dataset:
    logs, state = train_step(state, batch)
    print(f"loss: {logs.losses.loss}")

If you need to perform some computation under a strategy without automatically computing gradients and updating the parameters, you can use the managed.step decorator.

def test_step(state, batch):
    loss = ... # compute loss
    logs = ciclo.logs()
    logs.add_metric("loss", loss)
    return logs, state

Framework Support 🧪

To make JAX accessible for begginers, ciclo plans to provide a set of predefined state types for common frameworks, such as flax, haiku, and equinox (for now only flax is supported). These types are based on ManagedState and make it easy to perform tasks like training, evaluation, and inference without having to have a deep understanding of either the framework or JAX. Similar to Keras you just provide a model, an optimizer, some losses and metrics:

import flax.linen as nn
from jax_metrics.losses import Crossentropy
from jax_metrics.metrics import Accuracy

model = nn.Sequential([
    lambda x: x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1)) / 255.0,
state = ciclo.create_flax_state(
    inputs=jnp.empty((1, 28, 28, 1)),
    losses={"loss": Crossentropy()}, # any Callable[..., jax.Array]
    metrics={"accuracy": Accuracy()}, # supports Callables, jax_metrics, or clu metrics
    strategy="jit", # "data-parallel" or "eager"

These custom state objects provide train_step, test_step, and predict_step methods, this means that when used with the train_loop, test_loop, and predict_loop APIs, they provide a highly simplified experience:

state, history, elapsed = ciclo.train_loop(
    state, # methods are automatically registered
    test_dataset=lambda: get_test_dataset(),

You can also use the train_step, test_step, and predict_step methods directly to create custom training procedures:

for batch in train_dataset:
    logs, state = state.train_step(batch)
    print(f"loss: {logs.losses.loss}")

Manual Iteration

Ciclo provides a set of loosely coupled APIs that can be used independently from the loop API to create custom training procedures when more control is needed. In the example below, we demonstrate how to manually iterate through a training dataset using ciclo.

First, we define a few callbacks and utilities such as call_checkpoint, checkpoint, keras_bar, and history. Then, we use the ciclo.elapse function to iterate through the training dataset for a specified number of steps. During each iteration, we update the logs and state using the train_step function. We periodically checkpoint the state, update a progress bar, and commit the logs to the history.

call_checkpoint = ciclo.every(steps=1000) # Schedule
checkpoint = ciclo.checkpoint(f"logdir/model") # Callback
keras_bar = ciclo.keras_bar(total=total_steps) # Callback
history = ciclo.history() # History
# (Elapsed, Batch)
for elapsed, batch in ciclo.elapse(train_dataset, stop=total_steps):
    logs = ciclo.logs() # Logs
    # update logs and state
    logs.updates, state = train_step(state, batch)
    # periodically checkpoint state
    if call_checkpoint(elapsed):
        checkpoint(elapsed, state) # serialize state

    keras_bar(elapsed, logs) # update progress bar
    history.commit(elapsed, logs) # commit logs to history

This approach allows for fine-grained control over the training process and enables customization of various aspects of the training loop.


For a more in-depth look at how to use ciclo, check out our examples folder which contains a set of python scripts that demonstrate how to use ciclo to train models using different APIs.



