Implementation of "Segment Anything for Visual Bird Sound Denoising".
pip install -r requirements.txt
We use the ViT-B SAM model to initialize the BudSAM model parameters.
We provide access to our trained BudSAM model.
nohup python \
-task_name BudSAM-test-5GPUs \
-work_dir ./work_dir \
-batch_size 2 \
-num_workers 5 \
--world_size 5 \
--bucket_cap_mb 25 \
--grad_acc_steps 1 \
--node_rank 0 \
--init_method tcp://localhost:12344 > ./logs/run.log 2>&1 &
- We thank the BirdSoundsDenoising dataset contributors for providing the dataset to the community.
- We thank for the source code of Segment Anything publicly available.
- We thank for the source code of Segment anything in medical images publicly available.