##CoverMyMeds Ruby on Rails Training Program We provide you with the resources you need to become a successful CoverMyMeds Ruby on Rails developer.
- MacBook Pro
- Tutorials and instruction on a variety of subjects
- Regular code reviews and mentoring
- Lightning talks from our senior developers
- Learning via open source contributions
- Work on real projects
- Regular pair programming once your training is complete!
##Description Each day in this three-week course will consist of instruction and reading, dedicated time for you to code and a two-hour mentoring session. Sessions include lightning talks, code review, pair programming and instruction.
We'll cover key components of our stack including:
- Ruby fundamentals & debugging
- Git & GitHub
- Bundler
- ActiveRecord
- HAML & Coffeescript
- DOM Manipulation
- Testing with RSpec, Cucumber & Capybara
- Introduction to Sinatra
- Rails Components: Sessions, routing, security and key helper methods
- CoverMyMeds specific tools & materials
##Course Curriculum
###Day 1-3
- General CoverMyMeds Training
###Day 4
- Intro to DeployWizard and our deployment process
- Reserving testing environments
- Utilizing pinglish
- Using JenkinsCI
- Start PairColumbus challenges (see key components above)
- Talk: Product Verticals & Standards by senior engineer, Jon Canady
- Talk: DeployWizard by co-op developer, Michael Kenworthy
###Day 5
- Review Day 1
- PairColumbus challenges
- Finding help with HipChat & GitHub
- Speaking to infrastructure rep
- Creating and modifying test users
- Using key tools
- Sentry
- Github Issues and Huboard
- Talk: Sentry by operations engineer, Dan Sajner
- Talk: Github Issues & Huboard by engineering manager, Barry Brinkley
###Day 6
- Review deployment process
- PairColumbus challenges
- Databases & environment differences
- Using Navicat
- Locating database credentials
- Using enviro & envirotron
- Talk: Databases by our database administrators, Bruce Nation & CJ Estel
###Day 7
- Review Q&A
- PairColumbus challenges
- Using key tools
- Basecamp
- New Relic (custom dashboards)
- Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana & Lucene query parser syntax
- Graphite/Grafana
- gems.covermymeds.com
- Rubocop
- Talk: Kibana & New Relic by software engineer, Jon Martindell
- Talk: Graphite/Grafana & Jenkins CI by senior test engineer, Brian Lees
- Talk: Elasticsearch from lead mobile developer, Jim Muir
###Day 8
- Pair Columbus challenges (all-day)
- OWASP web security training
- No mentoring session
###Day 9
- Review Q&A
- PairColumbus challenges
- Better coding practices (POODR, SRP, LoD, YAGNI)
- CMM style guides
- Live code review (MVCgame)
- Books & resources
- Talk: BackboneJS by software engineer, Alex Ford
###Day 10
- Review Q&A
- Pair Columbus challenges
- Review coding & application standards
- Our git workflow and using version control
- Live code review (Completed Rails projects)
- Review CoverMyMeds production code
###Day 11
- Review Q&A
- Pair Columbus challenges
- Review of coding standards
- Live code review (Completed Rails projects)
- Review CoverMyMeds production code
###Day 12-14
- Build and test a Rails application
###Day 15
- Rails Application: Peer code review
- Fill out exit survey
##Crossover Training
- Join a product vertical consisting of experienced engineers, product managers, and test engineers
- Regular pair programming and mentoring
- Dive deep into our applications and software stack
- Real project work