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@cpsusie cpsusie released this 25 Oct 05:45
· 29 commits to v0.2.5.x since this release


  * Fixed problem with SourceLink not working correctly.
  * Fixed bug (Issue #2) that would throw a recursion exception sometimes when, using certain combinations of overloads, acquiring upgradable readonly locks then upgrading them would throw a lock recursion exception.
  * Update the quick start functionality tour and installation guides to use pictures reflecting more recent versions.  
  * Package for this release also available from Github in addition to NuGet.


  * No significant changes to code in this release.
  * Resolved broken links displayed on project's NuGet page.
  * Fixed problem with license on NuGet. 


The last official release was version,
available as a Nuget package ( Since then, many features have been added to DotNetVault:

* Upgrading to new versions of Roslyn libraries, immutable collections and other minor dependency upgrades
* Changing some of the formatting of analyzer diagnostics to comply with Roslyn authors' recommendations
* Adding Monitor Vaults (using Monitor.Enter + sync object) as the synchronization mechanism
* Adding ReadWrite Vaults (using ReaderWriterLockSlim) as their synchronization mechanism
* Fixing flawed static analyzer rules
* Adding new analyzer rules to close encountered loopholes in the ruleset that potentially allowed unsynchronized access to protected resource objects
* Unit tests as appropriate for new functionality
* Creation of quick start installation guides with test projects
* Not including project pdfs in the released package but instead providing an md document and a txt document with links to those documents in the github repository
* Significant updates to the formatting and content of project markdown documents
* Adding Source Link and releasing a symbol package along with the nuget package for this project
* Writing many test projects and demonstration projects to verify functionality, stress test and profile performance of the vaults
* Adding a document serving as a guide to using large mutable value types generally and as a repository for shared mutable state