Docker container image for use in build servers such as Jenkins to execute code quality scans using Sonarqube scanner.
This container provides the following standard commands:
- sonar-scanner
- sonar-scanner-debug
Setup your CI pipeline with the following command to execute in this container:
sonar-scanner -D<URL> \
-D sonar.projectKey=<SONAR_PROJECT_KEY> \
-D sonar.pullrequest.branch=<BRANCH_NAME> \
-D sonar.pullrequest.key=<PR_ID> \
-D sonar.pullrequest.base=<TARGET_BRANCH_FOR_PR>\
-D sonar.projectVersion=<SCM_HASH/ID>
Alteratively use a
file stored in git replacing URL, Branch and PR details using a replace tokens step.
Note: Depending on your version of Sonarqube you can also configure the scanner to compare branches which will require a Developer Edition at minimum.
Below you will find a sample configuration that can be used in a pipeline scripted jenkins setup to automate testing and deployment using this Docker CI image.
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'curlybracket/sonar-scanner:latest'
stages {
stage('Codequality') {
// Use a configuration provider for Jenkins to store sonar details such as server URL and ProjectKey
// see sonar documentation for details
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'sonar-properties', targetLocation: '')]) {
script {
// Setup for use with bitbucket/stash plugin -- assume community edition from Sonar without branching support
def sonarProps = readProperties file:''
sh "sonar-scanner -D sonar.projectKey=${sonarProps['sonar.projectKey']}:${BRANCH_NAME}"