My first attempt at test driven development
#Environment This was developed in python version 3.9.2 on Arch Linux The instructions to run however will be presented for windows 10
Download link here -
#Notes about downloading. When installing make sure to add python to PATH if it does not do, so already. This will avoid you having to manually locate the full path of the python interpreter in order to run these files.
#Running the unit tests
All unit tests are in the same directories as the functions that they test. This made it easier to import the functions This repository contains a few folders. One folder for each set of functions and unit tests, as well as screenshots of all tests passing.
The other folder contains all the functions minus the unit tests as well as the main program. The main program should be named
If you are just running the unit tests go to the individual folders for the specific calculator you are wishing to test and run all the files that begin with test like so:
C:\User\Example> python -m unittest C:\User\path\to\
#Run the main program from the command line like so:
C:\User\Example> python C:\User\path\to\
Powershell or cmd should be fine.
#Usage The program will prompt you to type the number "1" or "2" without the quotes. Choose the number corresponding to the type of calculator you would like to use. Follow the prompts unti your result is printed.
#Exiting You may gracefully exit the program at any time by pressing Control + C The program is designed to catch the keyboardInterrupt event.