Releases: dalehenrich/CypressReferenceImplementation
checkpoint 0.2
tag to mark the commit right before major work started on introducing project definitions, lots of things will broken until I work through the whole set of tests and implementations to get project definitions defined correctly ... there is a self halt
in this version that if removed will result in all tests passing
checkpoint 0.1
subsequent commits will be converting the gemstone patches and subsystems to be symbol dictionary based ... tag this point to easily return to a point where class extensions were not functional in RwLoadingTest (using patch objects) while RwSymbolDictionaryTest is passing and has a working implementation for class extensions- but this work is isolated to direct manipulation of symbol dictionary ... need to go to full blown and see how symbol dictionary implementation stands up to use in full-blown patches ... if I end with a clean implementation then the symbolDictionary approach will most likely be viable ...