Releases: darkain/getvar
Version 2.9.0
Added more JSON support.
Fix issue with unset() not unsetting $_REQUEST.
Added $get->combine() (creates an array from KEYS from one field and VALUES from another).
Switched from isset() to array_key_exists().
Renamed from to
[SPACE] conversion list now supports more Unicode characters.
Added $get->search() to simplify getting search terms.
Version 2.8.3
Added currentyNull() helper function
Parameter names may now have aliases. Example:
$get->int(['one', 'two', 'three']);
This will first check to see if 'one' was passed into the script, if not it will check for 'two'. It will continue to evaluate every name specified in the array until one of the names is found and return it's corresponding value. Just as before, if the names are not found, the default value is then returned.
Version 2.8.2
Removed legacy code
- Some was for PHP Version < 5.4, this is not supported at all
- Some was for integration with PUDL/Altaform, which is no longer used anywhere
- Removed references to MD5, which is no longer used anywhere
UTF-8 cleaning should work better on more platforms now
Version 2.8.0
Updated to BSD 2-clause license
Version 2.7.1
Removed dependencies on mb_string and XML PHP libraries
Added intNull and floatNull functions
Added check for "true" string on various array functions
Version 2.7.0
added support for detecting application/json encoding, parsing that instead of $_POST
added ability to get full, raw, unmodified post data and query string
white space cleanup
Version 2.6.0
Fixed missing check for default flags in __invoke
Added strings 'null' and 'nil' to list of FALSE values for bool() function
Better support for _GETVAR_NULL flag
Added _GETVAR_NODOUBLE which converts double-spaces to a single space
Fixed minor compatibility issue with PHP
Version 2.5.0
Added sessionClear - pulls information from php's $_SESSION variable, then clears it out
Version 2.4.3
Fixed an issue with stringNull not returning NULL for empty input
Version 2.4.1
Security Extension: added password() function
password() function will unset the named item from $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST
This is to help ensure passwords do not accidentally leak into logs
Fixed dependency issues with PUDL
Added support for ArrayAccess
you can now do: $get['form_item']
Added support for object __get
you can now do: $get->form_item