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forked from nicknisi/dotfiles

vim, zsh, git, homebrew, nvm, nginx, neovim - my whole world


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Welcome to my world! Here you'll find a collection of configuration files for various tools and programs that I use on a daily basis. These dotfiles have been carefully curated and customized to streamline my workflow and improve my productivity. Your results may vary, but feel free to give it a try! Whether you're a fellow developer looking to optimize your setup or just curious about how I organize my digital life, I hope you find something useful in these dotfiles. So take a look around and feel free to borrow, modify, or fork to your heart's content. Happy coding!


Did you arrive here through my YouTube talk, vim + tmux? My dotfiles have changed tremendously since then, but feel free to peruse the state of this repo at the time the video was recorded.


Initial Setup

The first thing you need to do is to clone this repo into a location of your choosing. For example, if you have a ~/Developer directory where you clone all of your git repos, that's a good choice for this one, too. This repo is setup to not rely on the location of the dotfiles, so you can place it anywhere.


If you're on macOS, you'll also need to install the XCode CLI tools before continuing.

xcode-select --install
git clone [email protected]:nicknisi/dotfiles.git


This dotfiles configuration is set up in such a way that it shouldn't matter where the repo exists on your system.

The dot Command

This repository includes a powerful dot command for managing your dotfiles. It replaces the previous script with a more flexible and maintainable solution.


The tool respects these environment variables:

  • DOTFILES: Path to your dotfiles directory
  • PATH: For discovering external commands

By default, the following directories are ignored when linking:

  • bin
  • applescripts
  • resources

Basic Usage

dot help                    # Show help message and available commands
dot backup                  # Backup existing dotfiles
dot link [package]          # Link all or specific package
dot unlink [package]        # Unlink all or specific package


This command won't be in the path until ZSH is properly configured. Until that's the case, you can run the command from the dotfiles root.

bin/dot <command> <subcommand>

### Backup Options

The backup command creates a backup of your existing dotfiles before installing new ones:

dot backup -d <directory>   # Specify backup directory (default: ~/dotfiles-backup)
dot backup -v               # Verbose output

This will back up important files and directories including:

  • Existing dotfiles in your home directory
  • Neovim configuration (~/.config/nvim/)
  • Vim configuration (~/.vim/ and ~/.vimrc)

Link/Unlink Options

dot link -v                # Verbose output
dot link -t <target>       # Specify target directory
dot link <package>         # Link specific package
dot link all               # Link all packages

Built-in Commands

Git Configuration (dot git)

dot git setup    # Configure git user settings interactively

Sets up personalized Git configuration including name, email, and Github username. The configuration is saved to ~/.gitconfig-local.

macOS Settings (dot macos)

dot macos defaults    # Configure recommended macOS system defaults

Configures various macOS system settings including:

  • Finder: show all filename extensions
  • Show hidden files by default
  • Only use UTF-8 in
  • Expand save dialog by default
  • Enable full keyboard access for all controls
  • Enable subpixel font rendering on non-Apple LCDs
  • Use current directory as default search scope in Finder
  • Show Path bar and Status bar in Finder
  • Optimize keyboard settings for development

Shell Configuration (dot shell)

dot shell change     # Change default shell to zsh
dot shell terminfo   # Install terminal information files

These commands may not always be reqired. For example, macOS now sets the default shell to ZSH. And, the terminfo is only requried if you're interested in having italic support in Neovim.

Homebrew Management (dot homebrew)

dot homebrew install    # Install Homebrew package manager
dot homebrew bundle     # Install packages from Brewfile

Using this command is only needed if your machine does not currently have Homebrew installed. You can also install if the main way by following the instructions on their website.

Legacy Cleanup (dot legacy)

dot legacy clean    # Clean up broken legacy symlinks

This legacy command specifically cleans up the old symlinks that might exist from rpevious iterations of this repository.

Extending with Custom Commands

The dot command is extensible. You can add custom commands by:

  1. Creating executable scripts named dot-<command> in your $PATH
  2. Adding a "Description:" comment for help text
  3. The command will then be available as dot <command>

ZSH Configuration

The prompt for ZSH is configured in the cnofig/zsh/zshrc file and performs the following operations.

  • Sets EDITOR to nvim
  • Loads any ~/.terminfo setup
  • Sets CODE_DIR to ~/Developer. This can be changed to the location you use to put your git checkouts, and enables fast cd-ing into it via the c command
  • Recursively searches the $DOTFILES/zsh directory for any .zsh files and sources them
  • Sources a ~/.localrc, if available for configuration that is machine-specific and/or should not ever be checked into git
  • Adds ~/bin and $DOTFILES/bin to the PATH

ZSH plugins

There are a number of plugins in use for ZSH, and they are installed and maintained separately via the zfetch command. zfetch is a custom plugin manager available here. The plugins that are used are listed in the .zshrc and include

Additional plugins can be added to the ~/.zshrc, or to ~/.localrc if you want them to stay out of git.

# Add a line like this and the plugin will automatically be downloaded and sourced
zfetch nicknisi/work-scripts


Aloxaf/fzf-tab The prompt is meant to be simple while still providing a lot of information to the user, particularly about the status of the git project, if the PWD is a git project. This prompt sets precmd, PROMPT and RPROMPT. The precmd shows the current working directory in it and the RPROMPT shows the git and suspended jobs info. The main symbol used on the actual prompt line is .

The prompt attempts to speed up certain information lookups by allowing for the prompt itself to be asynchronously rewritten as data comes in. This prevents the prompt from feeling sluggish when, for example, the user is in a large git repo and the git prompt commands take a considerable amount of time.

It does this by writing the actual text that will be displayed int he prompt to a temp file, which is then used to update the prompt information when a signal is trapped.

Git Prompt

The git info shown on the RPROMPT displays the current branch name, along with the following symbols.

  • + - New files were added
  • ! - Existing files were modified
  • ? - Untracked files exist that are not ignored
  • » - Current changes include file renaming
  • - An existing tracked file has been deleted
  • $ - There are currently stashed files
  • = - There are unmerged files
  • - Branch is ahead of the remote (indicating a push is needed)
  • - Branch is behind the remote (indicating a pull is needed)
  • - The branches have diverged (indicating history has changed and maybe a force-push is needed)
  • - The current working directory is clean

Jobs Prompt

The prompt will also display a character in the RPROMPT indicating that there is a suspended job that exists in the background. This is helpful in keeping track of putting vim in the background by pressing CTRL-Z.

Node Prompt

If a package.json file or a node_modules directory exists in the current working directory, display the node symbol, along with the current version of Node. This is useful information when switching between projects that depend on different versions of Node.

Neovim setup


This is no longer a vim setup. The configuration has been moved to be Neovim-specific and (mostly) written in Lua. vim is also set up as an alias to nvim to help with muscle memory.

The simplest way to install Neovim is to install it from homebrew.

brew install neovim

However, it was likely installed already if you ran the dot homebrew bundle command provided in the dotfiles.

All of the configuration for Neovim starts at nvim/.config/nvim/init.lua, which is symlinked into the ~/.config/nvim directory.


The first time you run nvim with this configuration, it will likely have a lot of errors. This is because it is dependent on a number of plugins being installed.

Installing plugins

On the first run, all required plugins should automaticaly by installed by lazy.nvim, a plugin manager for neovim.

All plugins are listed in plugins.lua. When a plugin is added, it will automatically be installed by lazy.nvim. To interface with lazy.nvim, simply run :Lazy from within vim.


Plugins can be synced in a headless way from the command line using the vimu alias.

tmux configuration

I prefer to run everything inside of tmux. I typically use a large pane on the top for neovim and then multiple panes along the bottom or right side for various commands I may need to run. There are no pre-configured layouts in this repository, as I tend to create them on-the-fly and as needed.

This repo ships with a tm command which provides a list of active session, or provides prompts to create a new one.

> tm
Available sessions

1) New Session
Please choose your session: 1
Enter new session name: open-source

This configuration provides a bit of style to the tmux bar, along with some additional data such as the currently playing song (from Apple Music or Spotify), the system name, the session name, and the current time.


It also changes the prefix from ⌃-b to ⌃-a (⌃ is the control key). This is because I tend to remap the Caps Lock button to Control, and then having the prefix makes more sense.

tmux key commands

Pressing the Prefix followed by the following will have the following actions in tmux.

Command Description
h Select the pane to the left
j Select the pane to the bottom
k Select the pane to the top
l Select the pane to the right
⇧-H Enlarge the pane to the left
⇧-J Enlarge the pane to the bottom
⇧-K Enlarge the pane to the top
⇧-L Enlarge the pane to the right
- (dash) Create a vertical split
| (pipe) Create a horizontal split

Minimal tmux UI

Setting a $TMUX_MINIMAL environment variable will do some extra work to hide the tmux status bar when there is only a single tmux window open. This is not the default in this repo because it can be confusing, but it is my preferred way to work. To set this, you can use the ~/.localrc file to set it in the following way.


Docker Setup

A Dockerfile exists in the repository as a testing ground for linux support. To set up the image, make sure you have Docker installed and then run the following command.

docker build -t dotfiles --force-rm --build-arg PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" --build-arg PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/" .

This should create a dotfiles image which will set up the base environment with the dotfiles repo cloned. To run, execute the following command.

docker run -it --rm dotfiles

This will open a bash shell in the container which can then be used to manually test the dotfiles installation process with linux.

Preferred software

I almost exclusively work on macOS, so this list will be specific to that operating system, but several of these reccomendations are also available, cross-platform. For a full and up-to-date list of the software and gear that I use today, check out my /uses page.


If you have questions, notice issues, or would like to see improvements, please open a new discussion and I'm happy to help you out!


vim, zsh, git, homebrew, nvm, nginx, neovim - my whole world







No releases published


No packages published


  • Lua 52.4%
  • Shell 41.1%
  • Vim Script 4.1%
  • Ruby 1.7%
  • Dockerfile 0.3%
  • JavaScript 0.2%
  • Scheme 0.2%