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Font Awesome 6 Pro is commercial software that requires a paid license. (OR DOES IT!!!!)


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FontAwesome 6 Pro


Font Awesome Pro is commercial software that requires a paid license. (OR DOES IT!!!!)
Extract into same folder


Just Download The Pre-Packaged Files



Host Yourself - Web Fonts

Set-Up with Web Fonts

The /webfonts folder contains all of the typeface files, i.e., the icons.
The /css/all.css file contains the core styling plus all of the icon styles you'll need when using Font Awesome.
Which Files and Folders What’s in there
/fontawesome6/pro/webfonts Icons as Web Fonts to be used with CSS
/fontawesome6/pro/css CSS files for using Web Fonts
/fontawesome6/free/webfonts Just the Free Icons as Web Fonts to be used with CSS
/fontawesome6/free/css CSS files for using just the Free Web Fonts

Add Font Awesome Files to Your Project

Copy the /webfonts folder and the /css/all.css file into your project’s assets directory where other images and CSS are stored.
You'll want to keep them in the same directory.

Reference Font Awesome in Your Project

Add a link to the ./css/all.css file into the of each template or page where you want to use Font Awesome.
  <!--load all Font Awesome styles -->
  <link href="./css/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />


Using Only Certain Styles

Icon Style Web Font Filename CSS Filename Availability
Font Awesome Brands fa-brands-400.* brands.css Free
Font Awesome Solid fa-solid-900.* solid.css Free
Font Awesome Regular fa-regular-400.* regular.css Pro only
Font Awesome Light fa-light-300.* light.css Pro only
Font Awesome Thin fa-thin-100.* thin.css Pro only
Font Awesome Duotone fa-duotone-900.* duotone.css Pro only
Copy both the /webfonts and the /css folders into your project's static assets directory (or wherever you prefer to keep front-end assets or vendor stuff).
You can remove any styles' .css and web font files you don't plan on using if you'd like.
Add a reference to the core styling file (/css/fontawesome.css) and the CSS for individual styles (e.g., /css/brands.css)
into the of each template or page that you want to use Font Awesome on.
Pay attention to the pathing of your project and where you moved the files in the previous step.
  <!-- Our project just needs Font Awesome Solid + Brands -->
  <link href="./css/fontawesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <link href="./css/brands.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <link href="./css/solid.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i>
  <!-- uses solid style -->
  <i class="fa-brands fa-github-square"></i>
  <!-- uses brand style -->

Host Yourself - SVG + JS

Set up with SVG+JS

The all.js file contains the core styling PLUS all of the icons in all the styles that you'll need when using Font Awesome.
If you’re just using some styles, you can select just the JS files for the styles you need to cut down on file size and improve performance.
Which Files and Folders What’s in there
/fontawesome6/pro/js Icons and scripts for each style, or all of them at once.
/fontawesome6/free/js Just the Free icons and scripts for each style.

Add Font Awesome Files to Your Project

Copy all.js or individual style script files you want to use into your project’s static assets directory,
or wherever you prefer to keep front-end assets or vendor stuff.

Reference Font Awesome in Your Project

Link the files into the of each template or page where you want to use Font Awesome icons.
  <!-- all.js loads all styles and icons -->
  <script defer src="./js/all.js"></script>


Using Only Certain Styles

Want use only certain styles when using our SVG with JS framework?
The /js folder contains the core styling and additional files for all of Font Awesome's style options- solid, regular, light, duotone, thin, and brands.
Icon Style JS Filename Availability
Font Awesome Brands brands.js Free
Font Awesome Solid solid.js Free
Font Awesome Regular regular.js Pro only
Font Awesome Light light.js Pro only
Copy the fontawesome.js loader and the .js files for the styles you'd like to use into your project's static assets directory
(or where ever you prefer to keep front end assets or vendor stuff). We recommend referencing the fontawesome.js loader last.
  <!-- Our project just needs Font Awesome Solid + Brands -->
  <script defer src="./js/brands.js"></script>
  <script defer src="./js/solid.js"></script>
  <script defer src="./js/fontawesome.js"></script>
  <i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i>
  <!-- uses solid style -->
  <i class="fa-brands fa-github-square"></i>
  <!-- uses brand style -->


Font Awesome 6 Pro is commercial software that requires a paid license. (OR DOES IT!!!!)







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