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A Dockerization of the deployment steps detailed in forem/selfhost/


  • Docker
  • GNU Make (optional - you can execute the commands in the Makefile directly)

Developed using Make 4.1 and Docker 20.10.5 on Ubuntu 18.04


Build the Docker Image

Replace the <...>s with your own values and execute this to build the Docker image:

make \

See the Makefile for more information about the build-forem-selfhost target.

During the Dockerfile build:

Note that the automatically generated secret values you need to administer your Forem services (e.g. Vault password, vault_secret_key_base, etc.) and eventually access your deployment machine (e.g. SSH key) now exist exclusively within the Docker image you just created, so you should maybe:

  • not share the Docker image with anyone, lest they get your secretz
  • copy those values out of the image and store them somewhere safe (see "Extract the secrets")

Extract the secrets

Use extract-secrets to copy the secret files automatically generated during the Docker image build process to your local filesystem and store them somewhere safe.

make extract-secrets

This will create a local directory called secrets with the contents:


Deploying to DigitalOcean

Create an auth token and store it in a local (to this repo) file called .digitalocean-access-token

Build the DigitalOcean deployment image

make build-forem-selfhost-digitalocean

Do the deploy

make deploy-to-digitalocean

Update your DNS and restart the traefik service

Complete steps 10 & 11 in the Quick Start guide:

  1. Once your Forem VM is set up with your chosen cloud provider, you will need to point DNS at the IP address that is output at the end of the provider playbook.
  2. Once DNS is pointed at your Forem VM, you will need to restart the Forem Traefik service (sudo systemctl restart forem-traefik.service) via SSH on your Forem server to generate a TLS cert.

You can use make digitalocean-service-restart-traefik to do the restart, after which you should be able to surf over to your domain and see something cool!

Interact with the server

Show the IP address
make digitalocean-ip
Start an SSH session
make digitalocean-shell
Connect to the PostgreSQL console
make digitalocean-db-shell
Show the status of related services
make digitalocean-service-status
Restart a service
make digitalocean-service-restart-forem
make digitalocean-service-restart-traefik
List all of the containers
make digitalocean-container-list
Tail the logs of a specific container
make digitalocean-container-imgproxy-logs                                                                         
make digitalocean-container-openresty-logs                                                                        
make digitalocean-container-postgres-logs                                                                         
make digitalocean-container-rails-logs                                                                            
make digitalocean-container-redis-logs                                                                            
make digitalocean-container-traefik-logs                                                                          
make digitalocean-container-worker-logs                                                                           

Some notes about my experience

Failed initial traefik restart

If the traefik service restart fails, run make digitalocean-service-status to see how things look.

A normal, healthy state looks like:

  UNIT                     LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION             
  forem-imgproxy.service   loaded active running Forem Imgproxy Service
  forem-openresty.service  loaded active running Forem OpenResty Service
  forem-pod.service        loaded active running Forem pod service
  forem-postgresql.service loaded active running Forem Postgresql Service
  forem-rails.service      loaded active running Forem Rails Service
  forem-redis.service      loaded active running Forem Redis Service
  forem-traefik.service    loaded active running Forem Traefik Service
  forem-worker.service     loaded active running Forem Worker Service
  forem.service            loaded active exited  Forem Service

An unhealthy state shows inactives and deads.

There was a bug (which looks to have been fixed) in which the container service didn't do what it was supposed to. I was able to resolve this by SSHing in and doing a sudo systemctl start forem-container.service

HTTPS-only caused problems with SSL certificate registration

As I understand it, the traefik service attempts to register an SSL cert via Let's Encrypt in order to enable HTTPS. The problem is that, during the registration process, Let's Encrypt needs to be able to access the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ path on your site using plain ol' HTTP. If you have something like "Always use HTTP" (e.g. on Cloudflare) enabled, it's not going to work.

In Cloudflare, I fixed this as follows:

  • In SSL/TLS -> Edge Certificates:
    • Disable Always use HTTPsScreenshot from 2021-08-19 16-44-44
    • Disable Automatic HTTPS Rewrites (maybe not necessary?)Screenshot from 2021-08-19 16-47-10
  • In Rules
    • Create two rules - one to prevent SSL on the acme-challenge path, and another to enforce HTTPS everywhere elseScreenshot from 2021-08-19 16-49-21


Forem self-host configuration and deployment automation







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