v3.0 The Big Update
Lots and lots of changes - some user-facing and some in the background, running more efficiently. (Or more maintain-ably)
- In the GUI start/stop should reload the config now - no more need to restart the GUI. So if you change something in the configuration after you've started running the script, just hit stop and start again.
- I have added the ability to persist the settings. No longer do you have to re-enter your settings when you upgrade. It will save to the XDG-recommended location on Linux and the equivalent on Windows. Because of this, the config file has a version now (in case I add new fields). When you start the GUI with an outdated version it will ask if you want to start from scratch or update your configs by opening settings, double-checking what's there and hitting save (or persist - depending on whether you want to persist your settings or just save within the folder you just extracted).
- You now have the ability to change number of donations put into the text files. So if you want to display more than 5 donations on the screen (vertically or horizontally) you can now show any arbitrary number of donors and donations. See the settings button (or file) for that option.
- I do have one "breaking" change for this release - some of the filenames have changed both to reflect the fact it no longer saves only 5 donations or donors and because I've realized that there is a difference in the API between donors and donations.
So enjoy all that!
With all those changes there's bound to be a bug that slipped in there (I hope not, but .... I'm only human) so please file an issue if anything is not working correctly.
If you're a GUI user:
pyinstaller created releases that will allow you to run this program even if you don't have Python or the necessary libraries installed. Download either Extra.Life.Donation.Tracker.for.Windows or .for.Linux depending on your platform.
If you prefer to use the commandline utilities without the GUI, just download the source code.tar.gz (Linux) or source code.zip file (Windows).
Please file any bug reports on either the GUI or the commandline! Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.