v3.2 Handling API Limiting
Ever since the DDOS last year, there have been intermittent issues with the API availability. I've changed the code to handle this more gracefully. I've got a refactor scheduled that's also going to help make updates more elegant and hopefully hit the API less.
If you're upgrading from a pre-V3.0 version, please see the release notes for v3.0: https://github.com/djotaku/ELDonationTracker/releases/tag/v3.0
If you're a GUI user:
pyinstaller created releases that will allow you to run this program even if you don't have Python or the necessary libraries installed. Download either Extra.Life.Donation.Tracker.for.Windows or .for.Linux depending on your platform.
If you prefer to use the commandline utilities without the GUI, just download the source code.tar.gz (Linux) or source code.zip file (Windows).
Please file any bug reports on either the GUI or the commandline! Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.