v5.2.1 Documentation Fix
Special thanks to EnochSoul for discovering a bug in the documentation relating to users not using the GUI and not participating as part of a team. This release fixes that documentation.
The rest remains the same as the 5.0 release, so I will reproduce those notes below:
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab one of the 2 files below. You can choose :
- the single-binary (eldonationtracker.for.Windows.v5.2.1.exe): One file that you use to launch the program.
- the zip file (Extra Life Donation Tracker for Windows v5.2.1.zip - which has been the main release method for at least a year now): A folder in which you'll find the executable.
The trade-off is that the single-binary is simpler, but takes a little longer to launch.
Linux users
use PyPi or git clone.
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions: https://eldonationtracker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
Usage Instructions: https://eldonationtracker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- extralifedonation.py changed to participant.py -> important if launching on the command line or terminal instead of via the GUI
- use of the "rich" Python module to add color to the command line output. On Windows you may wish to change your command line background color to a lighter color. After that, re-launch eldonationtracker and it should have the new color settings. (Worked for me in Windows 10)
- Team Donations are now available as an output. Previously I focused on team donors which I use to show where I fall in the top donors to the team. But I wanted to cover the use case where the team captain (or any team member) might want to highlight individual team donations rather than just donations to him/her self, especially during a live stream on game day. (For example, if I am focusing more on the team than on my personal donations, I might want to have the latest team donations show up so that I can thank/acknowledge the donations) Look for text files that start with Team and contain the word donation instead of donor. Add them to OBS or XSplit as you would with the rest of the data.
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- extralife_IO changed to extralife_io: in order to meet PEP8 requirements.
- extralifedonation.py changed to participant.py: Both for PEP8, but also for consistency/readability - if it holds the participant.py class, it should have that name.
- lots of API changes on participant.py
- gui.py no longer uses threading. Side effect: When the user quits the program it closes much faster now
- team.py API changes for better, more Pythonic code. Also changed to not hit the team participant API every time. This should improve performance with the limits put in place from last year's DDOS.
- cover coverage goes from 71% to...95%
- mypy runs and passes on all files
- eliminated use of IPC.txt to let the GUI know if there was a new donation. If you write your own GUI based off of my library, it is the responsibility of your GUI to set newdonation variable False after you handle the new donation. ipc.py is deprecated and should be removed in the next release.