Addon for Blender that imports TheEngine's (Skyfallen Entertainment) 3D models. TheEngine is used in games: Dawn of Magick (Bloody Magick, Магия крови), Dawn of Magick 2 (Магия крови 2), Planet Alcatraz (Санитары Подземелий), Planet Alcatraz 2 (Саниатры подземелий 2), Elven Legacy, Fantasy Wars, King's Bounty, Warlock, Warlock 2.
This is a early version of an import script. The script is developed for Blender 2.93 and tested at 3D-models from Planet Alcatraz game (mesh format version 4.4 and 4.5).
For the addon installation copy the skyfallen_import
directory into your blender addons directory and activate it in the user preferences.
The addon is licensed under the GNU GPL v.3.
- Meshes
- Materials (just textures and UV coordinates)
- Armature and weights of vertices (from BMA files)
- Animations import
- Support for mesh format versions greater then 4.5
- Import material parameters
- BMS: Bloody Mesh Static
- BMA: Bloody Mesh Animated (Skinned)
- BSA: Bloody Skinned Animation
- BCA: Bloody Compressed (?) Animation
- BMT: Bloody Mesh Tiled
- CMS: Collision Mesh
The prefix 'Bloody' is present for all file formats because of the first engine version was developed for the Dawn of Magick game aka Bloody Magick.