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@sophokles73 sophokles73 released this 21 May 06:37
· 1366 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • The CoAP adapter now supports authentication of client certificates using ECDSA based cipher suites.
  • The JDBC-based device registry implementation now supports the automatic creation of the database schema, both for
    device registration and tenant data. This is especially useful for experimental setups where an embedded database,
    such as H2 provides, is sufficient. To enable
    automatic schema creation, activate the application profile create-schema.
  • Hono's components now support configuration of supported TLS cipher suites. The cipher suites can be configured
    separately for both the endpoints exposed by the components as well as the clients used for accessing service
    endpoints exposed by other components. Please refer to the corresponding admin guides for details regarding the
    corresponding configuration variables.
  • Hono now supports auto-provisioning of gateways. For more information please refer to the
    Gateway Provisioning concept and to the Device Registry Management API on how to configure a tenant's trusted
    CA authority for that.
  • Now the tenant configuration supports a new property namely auto-provisioning-device-id-template in it's trusted CA
    section. During auto-provisioning of devices and gateways, the device identifier is generated based on this template
    and used for the device registration. For more information please refer to the Device Provisioning concept and to the
    Device Registry Management API on how to configure a tenant's trusted CA authority for that.
  • The Hono CLI supports now Kafka as a messaging system. Please refer to the module's
    README file for examples of using the CLI to receive events and
    telemetry data and send commands.
  • The example business application supports now Kafka as a messaging system. Please refer to the
    Developer Guide for details.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • The CoAP adapter did not correctly track the time it took to forward a command message to a device. This has been fixed.
  • Sending requests using the Hono AMQP request-response client erroneously increased the hono.downstream.timeout metric.
    This has been fixed.
  • Support for uplink messages from the Embedded LNS on MultiTech gateways.
  • The hono.connections.attempts metric has been extended with a cipher-suite tag which contains the name of the
    cipher suite that is used in a device's attempt to establish a TLS based connection to an adapter.
  • The Quarkus based Command Router native image failed to start an embedded cache that was configured to persist data
    to the local file system. This has been fixed.
  • The delivery of a command message sent to an AMQP device potentially didn't get settled if the connection to the
    AMQP device got disconnected. This has been fixed.
  • The Prometheus based resource limit checks' performance has been improved. This should result in considerably less
    load on the Prometheus server when failing over all of a crashed/stopped adapter instance's device connections.
  • The Hono component container images now contain the Gson library which is required by the Jaeger client for
    processing sampling strategy configuration retrieved from the Jaeger Collector.
  • The Kafka based implementation of the north bound application client
    org.eclipse.hono.application.client.kafka.impl.KafkaApplicationClientImpl now supports sending commands and
    receiving responses in a request/response fashion.


  • The org.eclipse.hono.client.ApplicationClientFactory, org.eclipse.hono.client.AsyncCommandClient and
    org.eclipse.hono.client.CommandClient classes have been deprecated. Client code should use
    org.eclipse.hono.application.client.ApplicationClient instead.