A spring-boot-based project which aims to provide a RESTful API for Terraform CLI. It provides three different modes of execution
- Scripts in a directory
- Scripts in REST request body
- Scripts in a GIT repo
Pass the terraform root folder name in the request and terra-boot will execute the requested Terraform method on this directory.
If we intend to use this mode of script execution, then we must ensure the scripts root directory is accessible to terra-boot runtime.
The terra-boot
application must have access to the root module folder under which each sub-folder is a module
used per API request.
The default root folder where all module sub-folders will exist is the temp folder of the user running the server.
This configuration can be changed by updating the terraform.root.module.directory
All files needed for terraform execution can be passed as strings to API and terra-boot will automatically execute the files and return terraform execution result.
If the scripts are present in a GIT repo, then we can directly pass the details of the GIT repo. Terra-boot will clone the repo and execute the scripts and then return the result.
Currently supports only repos that can be cloned without authentication and also with HTTP(S) only.
- deploy - This wraps the Terraform
methods. - destroy - This wraps the Terraform
method. - validate - This wraps the Terraform
method. - plan - This wraps the Terraform 'plan' method.
- healthCheck - This method returns the status of the terra-boot application
All terraform related methods above support both modes of operation mentioned in section Modes of Terraform Script Execution
- None - By default the API methods can be accessed without any authentication.
- oauth - This can be enabled by activating spring profile -
The below property names can be changed in the following ways
- passing the property values to the server startup command as
- Setting corresponding environment variables before starting the server.
property name | environment variable | default value | description |
terraform_binary_path | TERRAFORM_BINARY_PATH | Terraform available on syspath | The path to the terraform binary |
terraform.root.module.directory | TERRAFORM_ROOT_MODULE_DIRECTORY | /tmp on Linux \AppData\Local\Temp on Windows |
The path to the parent directory where all terraform module directories will be stored at as subdirs |
log.terraform.stdout.stderr | LOG_TERRAFORM_STDOUT_STDERR | true | Controls if the command execution output must be logged. If disabled, the output is only returned in the API response |
terraform.log.level | TERRAFORM_LOG_LEVEL | INFO | Controls the log level of the terraform binary. Allowed values are INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, WARN and ERROR |
authorization.token.type | AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_TYPE | JWT | Authorization server authentication Type, allowed values: OpaqueToken or JWT |
authorization.server.endpoint | AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_ENDPOINT | The endpoint value of the authorization server | |
authorization.api.client.id | AUTHORIZATION_API_CLIENT_ID | The ID value of the authorization server API client | |
authorization.api.client.secret | AUTHORIZATION_API_CLIENT_SECRET | The secret value of the authorization server API client | |
authorization.swagger.ui.client.id | AUTHORIZATION_SWAGGER_UI_CLIENT_ID | The ID value of the authorization server swagger-ui client | |
otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT | http://localhost:4317 | URL of the OTEL collector |
clean.workspace.after.deployment.enabled | CLEAN_WORKSPACE_AFTER_DEPLOYMENT_ENABLED | true | Whether to clean up the workspace after deployment is done,allowed values: true or false. Default value is true |
terra.boot.webhook.request.signing.enabled | TERRA_BOOT_WEBHOOK_REQUEST_SIGNING_ENABLED | true | Whether to sign webhook requests initiated from terra-boot. The values must be agreed with the consumer application. Default value is true |
Server can be compiled and started as below
If you have a fully configured OAuth instance running on your local system, then you can use the below way to start the application. The variables and their descriptions that need to be passed during oauth startup are recorded in the Available Configurations table.
Use the spring boot's dev profile to use default values that are just for non-production environments.
- Start with oauth profile
./mvmw clean install -DskipTests
$ java -jar target/terra-boot-*.jar\
--spring.profiles.active=oauth,dev \
--authorization.token.type=${token-type} \
--authorization.server.endpoint=${server-endpoint} \
--authorization.api.client.id=${client-id} \
--authorization.api.client.secret=${client-secret} \
2.Start without oauth
./mvmw clean install -DskipTests
$ java -jar --spring.profiles.active=dev target/terra-boot-*.jar
1.Start with oauth
1.Set values for the authorization related variables in the application-oauth-properties configuration file,
and specify the configuration file for loading oauth in the application-properties configuration file,
start the main application.
2.Or the oauth related variables configuration can be added to IDE and the main application can be executed directly
to launch the application.
2.Start without oauth
Simply start the main application.
API can be accessed using the following URLs
Use RabbitMQ as the default provider for AMQP. Start the broker and create queues using the following command:
mkdir -p ~/docker/rabbitmq/data
docker run -d \
--user 1000:1000 \
--name xpanse-rabbitmq \
-p 5672:5672 \
-p 15672:15672 \
-v ~/docker/rabbitmq/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq \
Access the RabbitMQ management console at http://localhost:15672 with username xpanse
and password Xpanse@2023
after the container is started.
Start the application with the amqp
./mvmw clean install -DskipTests
$ java -jar --spring.profiles.active=dev,amqp target/terra-boot-*.jar
When the application started with the amqp
profile, the AsyncApi docs and UI Console are enabled.
The AsyncApi docs can be accessed at http://localhost:9090/queues/docs.
The AsyncApi UI can be accessed at http://localhost:9090/queues/asyncapi-ui.html.
This is the recommended way. Docker images can be pulled from GitHub Packages as mentioned here. All configuration parameters can be passed as environment variables to the container.
We also deliver a jar for each release and can be found in the asests list of each release here. The jar can be started as mentioned in the same way we do for local development.
provides an option to enable observability using openTelemetry. This can
be enabled by starting the runtime with profile opentelemetry
By enabling this profile, the application forwards metrics, traces and logs to the otel-collector
By default, the application sends all telemetry data to http://localhost:4317
and this can be changed by updating the
value of otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint
configuration property.
All third-party related content is listed in the DEPENDENCIES file.
The project follows google-code-format. We use the spotless plugin to format code and to validate code format. We can automatically format the code using the command below.
mvn spotless:apply
To validate errors we can run the command below.
mvn spotless:check && mvn checkstyle:check