This repository defines all WIT definitions for Edgee components.
Add this to your wit/deps.toml
edgee = ""
And your wit/world.wit
package edgee:native;
world data-collection {
export edgee:components/data-collection;
You need to install wit-deps
cargo install wit-deps-cli
And then run it to install all WIT dependencies:
- Update the wit as desired.
- Add and commit
- Tag the version e.g. 'git tag v0.2.3'
- Push the tags 'git push --tags'
- On, draft a new release pointing to this tag
- Copy the url link to the release
Adopting the new version on downstream projects:
- Update the deps.toml file to point to your new release.
- Update the wit/world.wit to match the version
- Run wit-deps in its crate folder
- Resolve any compilation issues