Wind turbine power curve analysis
The purpose of this repository is to provide code, papers, and sample data for power curve analyses.
The following is an outline of an outline of a paper still to be written.
- Mean hubheight wind speed,
. - Shear exponent,
. - Turbulence intensity,
. - Mean power,
. - Standard deviation of power,
- Method of binning,
. - Machine learning,
. - Quasi static,
A method maps a dataset to a model. A model maps the triple (U, alpha, I)
to the pair (P_pred, rho_pred)
consisting of the predicted mean power P_pred
and one or more measures rho_pred
of dispersion of the mean power, e.g. the sample standard deviation of several suggested mean powers used interally in the model.
Compare predicted dispersion with sample dispersion. The purpose is to give the reader some faith in the models' ability to provide a credible measure of dispersion. Divide the parameter space of
, andI
into small regions that still contain a decent number of points. For each method, obtain a model from the entire dataset. For each point in each region, obtain a prediction of the mean power. From these predictions of mean power, obtain a sample-based measure of the dispersion of the predicted mean power. Compare this dispersion with the dispersion obtained from a single representative point in the region, e.g. the center. -
One training dataset and one verification dataset. Make a training dataset and a verification dataset. For each method, obtain a model from the training dataset. From
, andI
in the verification dataset, predict the mean power and form the errorepsilon = P_pred - P_true
, whereP_true
is the corresponding mean power from the verification dataset. Make various plots ofepsilon
, mergingU
into the rotor equivalent mean wind speed,W
, which is the same as the mean driving wind speed in the quasi static model. -
Bootstrap point 2 to obtain a distribution of errors. The mean of these errors is the bias and it should be small. Make plots as appropriate.
- Obtain field data.
- Repeat part I using the field data.