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Here's what's popular on GitHub today...

Rubber Duck Thursdays

Join us for Rubber Duck Thursdays! A lighthearted and informal stream where we work on some projects and do some live coding.

Build a web game this April!

Game Bytes

Gamedev.js Jam returns this April challenging web developers to build a game based on a theme. Join in to have fun and/or win prizes!

Bitcoin logo

Popular topic

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency developed by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Sentry screenshot

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Sentry provides real-time crash reporting, giving your team insight into errors affecting your customers in production. Sentry supports dozens of languages and frameworks and is trusted by thousands of companies like Pinterest, Uber, Stripe, Dropbox, and Airbnb.

Sentry doesn't just alert you to errors, but integrates into your GitHub development flow by linking errors to the commit and author likely responsible, creating new GitHub Issues, and resolving errors with commit message.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Manage and automate Github Deployments across repositories in your account or organization with deploybot.

  • Create deployments from a repository commits timeline
    • Step through deploying to different Github environments
    • Deploy specific SHA's from default or feature branches
  • Trigger deploys automatically when tests pass on a branch
  • View Github deployment history for a repo or across an org