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Courtesy of http://patorjk.com/software/taag
My Linux dotfiles. Initialise the repo using the following shell command set:
cd && \
git clone https://github.com/C-Fergus/dotfiles.git && \
bash ~/dotfiles/setup.sh
This will pull the repo into a folder in your home directory (~) named "dotfiles" and run the interactive install script to make symbolic links of all necessary files in ~, as well as installing from the default app list in 'aptgetInstall.sh', which can be edited before running.
Alternatively, the files can pulled directly into a repo in the home directory using the following command set:
cd && \
git init && \
git remote add origin https://github.com/C-Fergus/dotfiles.git && \
git pull origin master && \
bash setup.sh
This will pull the repo directly into ~ allowing them to be used immediately, as well as running the installation script.