A collection of all of my autosplitters and load removers - tools for the speedrunning program LiveSplit.
Scripts I've worked on outside of this repo:
- In Sound Mind: https://github.com/ontrigger/ism-autosplitter
- My Friendly Neighbourhood: https://github.com/TheDementedSalad/My-Friendly-Neighborhood-Splitter/tree/main
- The Blair Witch Volumes: https://github.com/MildGothDaddy/Bw_asl
- Trepang2: https://github.com/LiterallyMetaphorical/Livesplit.Trepang2
I have worked on other autosplitters, those that are either full LiveSplit components or use the Auto Splitting Runtime (ASR):
- Aliens versus Predator 2: https://github.com/mitchell-merry/LiveSplit.AVP2
This repository contains a number of template files that I use frequently in my autosplitters. You are free to use these, but I don't guarantee that they are at all good.
Note that these all require the use of asl-help.