Welcome to my NodeJS repository! This repository is a collection of various home assignments that I've worked on involving Node.js. Each assignment is an exploration of different aspects of Node.js and its ecosystem.
Below is a list of small programs contained in this repository. Each program has its own folder and README file with more details.
- HW4 - Microservices: This program demonstrats the use of web-services.
- There are two servers communicating (Data sources are json files and external webservice).
- The seconde web-service (WS2) receives products data from external WS fakestoreapi and returns minimized products data only with id and title.
- The first web-service (WS1) receives data from WS2 and orders.json and returns an array of jsons with data about the products with their orders (if exists).
HW5 - Server with DB: Small program to demonstrate Back-End server with MongoDB called “studentDB”.
- The DB has two collections: Student and Grade.
- The "Student" collection contains: name, city and faculty; and the "Grade" collection contains related student_id, profession and score.
- Each student can have multiple grades in the “Grade” collection.
- The server exposes several end points that make use these two collections. One main end point is: /student/category/withgrades that returns all students with their grades.
HW7 - GraphQL: GraphQL based server that works with MongoDB.
- The server provides the several products services:
- Get All Products, Get Product by id, Add/Update/Delete product,
- Get all products expensive from a given price,
- Update only Product price,
- Delete all products for a given color.
- Each product has: id, name, color, price.
- The server provides the several products services: