This project is based on data from JSONplaceholder.
The idea is to handle a "Data Base" only on the client side, initialized by the API of JSONplaceholder.
- Presenting Users: the UI presents all the users data, according to the users id. Users with UNCOMPLETED tasks (todos) are marked with a red border. Users with all tasks completed – with green border.
- Search Filter: when entering a text in the “search” text box, the users list presents anly users that their name or email contains that text.
- Other Data: each user has "Other Data" section. When “Mouse over” this section, more user info is presented.
Update/Delete operations for every user.
Todos-Posts Section: when clicking on the ID label, the user region will be colored in orange and the user’s posts and todos are presented to the right.
- Add New Todo: when press on “Add” above the Todo list, the list is replaced with a place for adding a new Todo. A press on “cancel” brings back the Todo list.
- Add New Post: when press on “Add” above the Post list, the list is replaced with a place for adding a new post. A press on “cancel” brings back the Post list.
- Add New User: when press on “Add” above the Users list, The right side will be navigated to a new user “screen”. The “other data” appears blank in creation but can be updatded only on update user’s data.