This is an Wax Blockchain smart contract for placing and resolving bets. It allows users to place bets on events, resolve events, withdraw their funds, and more.
To compile and deploy this contract, you will need:
- EOSIO software installed on your system.
- The account on the WAX testnet where you want to deploy this contract.
Firstly, we need to compile the contract using eosio-cpp
. Navigate to the folder containing foz.cpp
and run:
eosio-cpp -abigen -o foz.wasm foz.cpp
This command generates two files foz.wasm
(the compiled contract) and foz.abi
(the contract's Application Binary Interface file).
Next, we set the contract to our account. In this example, we're using an account named boatheadboat
Replace /Users/georgeprethesh/contracts/foz
with the path where your compiled contract is located.
cleos -u set contract boatheadboat /Users/georgeprethesh/contracts/foz foz.wasm --abi foz.abi -p boatheadboat
The contract needs permission to execute its actions. Here we set the eosio.code
permission for our contract.
cleos --url set account permission boatdeadboat active '{"threshold": 1, "keys": [{"key": "EOS83PPpjU9zQwLwMGsA9SBbNDGh62eDU7mNvX4y3rr4jZcow5Qa8", "weight": 1}], "accounts": [{"permission": {"actor": "boatdeadboat", "permission": "eosio.code"}, "weight": 1}]}' -p boatdeadboat@active
Note: Always ensure you replace the account names and key with your account details.
Replace EOS83PPpjU9zQwLwMGsA9SBbNDGh62eDU7mNvX4y3rr4jZcow5Qa8
with your account public key.
with your testnet rpc or endpoint
with your account
That's it! Your smart contract is now deployed on the WAX testnet.
Users can deposit WAX tokens to their account. Minimum deposit amount is 5 WAX.
void deposit(name user, asset amount);
Users can withdraw their funds from the contract.
ACTION withdraw(name user, asset amount, string memo);
The contract account can create events. Events contain a description, creator, id, expiration time, source, tag, and price.
ACTION createvent(std::string description, name event_creator, uint64_t event_id, uint32_t expiration_seconds, std::string source, std::string tag, asset price);
Users can place a bet on an event. A bet includes the user, event id, the side of the bet, and the amount.
ACTION placebet(name user, uint64_t event_id, bool bet_on, asset amount);
The contract account can resolve an event by specifying the event id, the outcome, and a batch size for how many bets to resolve at once. The outcome of the event determines the result of the bets.
ACTION resolveevent(name resolver, uint64_t event_id, bool outcome, uint64_t batch_size);
The contract account can withdraw taxes collected from winning bets.
ACTION taxwithdraw(name to_account, asset amount);
The contract account can clear (erase) a specific event.
ACTION clearevent(uint64_t event_id);
The contract account can erase all events.
ACTION eraseevents(name caller);
The contract account can erase all bets.
ACTION erasebets(name caller);
The contract has several tables to keep track of events, bets, deposits, taxes, and bet history.
: Keeps track of the deposits of each user.history_table
: Keeps track of the history of bets.taxes_table
: Keeps track of the total tax collected.events_table
: Keeps track of all events.bets_table
: Keeps track of all bets placed.
The contract listens for transfer notifications in order to process deposits.
void ontransfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, string memo);
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