Installation and configuration
Status: PRELIMINARY (work in progress)
piLite project consists of two parts:
- server-side tools
- client tools
Basically a user needs to install only client tools and configure piLite to access server-side tools.
- Dependencies (for both server-side and client tools)
- perl 5.0 or higher
- JSON perl module
- ssh
- scp
- Base configuration (install paths for both server-side and client tools)
To configure the target installation directory edit the Makefile and define the INSTALLDIR variable. Also define the HOMEDIR - the HOME direcrory for the user who will run piLite.
- piLite client 3.1. piLite client installation The following command should get you a running piLite client:
make install-client
This installs the required perl scripts and the configuration file example to the configured directories.
3.2. To uninstall piLite client but leave the configuration and working directories run:
make clean-client
3.3. To uninstall piLite client and remove also the configuration and working directories run:
make clean-client-all
3.4. piLite client configuration The configuration file for the piLite client (pilite.conf) will be placed into $HOMEDIR/.pilite/conf directory during installation process. Edit the file and set the following variables:
LOCAL_HOME_DIR - the same as HOMEDIR LOCAL_KEY_FILE - user private key file to access the server REMOTE_HOST_NAME - server host name REMOTE_USER_NAME - the name of the remote user at the server REMOTE_SCRIPT_DIR - the directory at the server host where the piLite server-side tools are installed to
All the REMOTE_<...> parameters should be provided by the server administrator.
- piLite server 4.1. piLite server installation
make install-server
This installs the required perl scripts to the configured directory.
4.2. To uninstall piLite server but leave working directories run:
make clean-server
4.3. To uninstall piLite server and remove also the working directories run:
make clean-server-all