AIL V1: install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop => kommt aus dem offiziellen repo
AIL V3: install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop/0.3.0 => kommt aus unserem 'thirdparty' repo, gebuildet von [email protected] => https://maven.corp.ametiq.com/#browse/search=keyword%3D%22com%2Fsavoirtech%2Fkaraf%2Fcommands%2Fktop%2F0.3.0%22:99c0aec520e72f9159af760cc0bcd219
Die lokal gebuildeten Artifakte habe ich direkt auf Maven ins 'thirdparty' repo geladen.
Karaf Top Command
ktop - display and update sorted information about JVM and threads.
The ktop command displays key JVM metrics, and updates a sorted list of thread statistics.
To build, invoke:
mvn install
To install in Karaf, invoke from console:
install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop
specify version if needed
install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop/0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
uninstall <bundle-id>
feature:repo-add mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop/0.3.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
feature:install -v ktop
feature:uninstall ktop
feature:repo-remove mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ktop/0.3.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
To execute command on Karaf, invoke:
To exit ktop: q To sort by a different column: < or > To reverse sort: r
-t --threads number of threads to display. -u --updates information update interval in milliseconds.