This project is about implementing an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm capable of working on streaming datasets
Gurami Keretchashvili (me) Guillaume Barthe Temur Malishava
- Clone this repo (see tutorial)
- pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Anomaly detection refers to finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior.
There exists three main categories of anomaly detection which are the following:
- Normal data instances belong to a cluster in the data, while anomalies do not belong to any cluster.
- Normal data instances lie close to their closest cluster centroid while anomalies are far away.
- Normal data instances belong to large and dense clusters, while anomalies either belong to small or sparse clusters.
Please note that in this work we focused on the second category.
We used a vowels dataset that can be found here. It was made of 1456 instances and had 12 features. The number of anomalies inside the dataset is 50.
As you can see on Fig. 1 the dimension of this dataset is high and we decided to use Principal Component Analysis in order to reduce dimensionality with minimum information loss.
Figure 1: Header of the dataframe used in our experiments before PCA. This comes from the
dataset vowels.mat
Figure 2: Header of the dataframe used in our experiments after PCA. This comes from the dataset
In order to adapt the code to a streaming method we worked a follows :
- Reduce the amount of memory by using a sliding window of 300 points. When a new data- point arrives, you remove the oldest one before adding it
- Recompute the optimal number of clusters every 200 iteration so that the algorithm is able to adapt to the data without consuming too much time
- Apply PCA and detection of outliers at each iteration
As you can imagine, the visualization is expensive and we wanted to measure the time consump- tion of our algorithm with and without visualization. On the following figures, you can observe that the average amount of time taken at each iteration when we update the plots is 10 times higher than the one without visualization. Furthermore, you can easily spot the calculation of the optimal number of clusters every 200 iteration without visualization and this shows why it was necessary to avoid doing it at every iteration.
Figure 3: Time consumption of our algorithm without visualization. Mean time = 0.04 s ; Total
time = 53.1 s
Figure 4: Time consumption of our algorithm with visualization. Mean time = 0.40 s ; Total time =
580.6 s
About memory usage, the sliding window of 300 points makes it efficient in terms of memory but it is worth mentioning that updating plots at each iteration consumes a decent amount of RAM.
In the end, the detection of anomalies seems convenient but it needs to be confirmed by some metrics like precision and recall. In order to do so, we need a more suited dataset where anomalies are equally spread between clusters. We did not manage to find such dataset, therefore we decided that the right way to do this would be to create a generator of anomalies.
By using this generator at some random iteration, we would be able to determine if the algorithm is able to efficiently detect anomalies.
The objective of Principal Component Analysis was to reduce the dimension to 2 so that we would be able to visualize the clustering in real time. Therefore we decided to add a plot and update it at each iteration of the streaming algorithm. you can observe our visualization. This is a screenshot but in our implementation you can find the animated version of this visualization that updates itself over time.
Visualization of the clustering in real time. Centroids are marked as triangles and outliers
are circled.
As we expected, the anomalies we predict are the points in each cluster that are the furthest away from the centroids and they are easily identifiable for the observer.
In the future, it would be interesting to implement K-nearest neighbours approach or more genrally methods that are not about clustering.