This is a repository for project at KTH relate to subject DD2404 Description:
/bin . All python code are stored under /bin folder,
/data . All data are stored under /data folder
/results . All Results are stored under /results folder, with each test-run stored into corresponding date, log books are here too
/doc . All documentations relate to this project are store under /doc
Logbooks are stored under results
- Python 3
- Numpy
- glob
- sklearn
- matplotlib
Training data should be located under /data/negative_examples and /data/positive_examples The program will look for the training data under those path, please ensure the program is run under the bin folder of this repo
Under /bin folder, run ./runall SAVEPATH [argumemts]
usage: runall [-h] [-pt] [--nfold NFOLD] [-f] [-p]
There are 3 function groups, they are 1.Performance Test, 2.F-score test, 3. Prediction
Perfromance test (-pt) train the model based on the data specified by [-i INPUT_MODE], and produce a graph thay compares all models. The graph is saved in the path speicifed by SAVEPATH.
- --nfold can be used as an additional argument to spcify the number of fold for cross-validation. Default to 3.
example: ./runall ../results/2017-12-26 -pt --nfold 5
Above command will run performance test with nfold of 5 and save to the results folder
F-score test (-f) train the models with data specified by INPUT_MODE based on 80/20 data split, and save precision/recall and f-beta score into SAVEPATH
example: ./runall ../results/2017-12-26 -f -i 1
Above code will run f-score test with non_TM data only
Prediction (-p), Train Logistic regression and run predictions on files located under /data/proteomes/ ,files must be in fasta format.
- -t can be used to indicate the THRESHOLD for classify a sample into positive. Default to 0.5
[-i INPUT_MODE] is the argument for specify which data is used for training.
- 1 = non-TM only,
- 2 = TM only,
- All other numbers = TM + non-TM will be usesd
[-q] quiet mode, will not print anything on screen.