This webapp generates the images of people that actually do not exist! Yes you read it right, using GAN the webapp generates a new image of a person whenever "Generate" button is clicked.
The model is trained over 100 images of random people.
It shows that we can GAN to generate synthetic data and can be used in places where we have lost critical data and much more.
Make sure you have these libraries/framework installed before running the file in your local computer.
- Tensorflow
- Open CV
- Flask
- The model is not trained over large set of data, so the images generated are not that diverse.
- The quality of the images are not good.
- We can train the model over larger data to avoid repetition of images.
- We can use upscaling models to improve the quality of generated images.
- Making a complete webapp using React.js and Node.js to add functionality and improve UI.
Do visit to see the advanced version of this project.