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@Uk1288 Uk1288 released this 26 Mar 22:35
· 452 commits to main since this release


*For Terraform Enterprise users who have data retention policies defined on Organizations or Workspaces: A new DataRetentionPolicyChoice relation has been added to reflect that data retention policies are polymorphic. Organizations and workspaces may be related to a DataRetentionPolicyDeleteOlder or DataRetentionPolicyDontDelete record through the DataRetentionPolicyChoice struct. Data retention policies can be read using ReadDataRetentionPolicyChoice, and set or updated (including changing their type) using SetDataRetentionPolicyDeleteOlder or SetDataRetentionPolicyDontDelete by @JarrettSpiker #652


  • The DataRetentionPolicy type, and the DataRetentionPolicy relationship on Organization and Workspaces have been deprecated. The DataRetentionPolicy type is equivalent to the new DataRetentionPolicyDeleteOlder. The Data retention policy relationships on Organization and Workspaces are now polymorphic, and are represented by the DataRetentionPolicyChoice relationship. The existing DataRetentionPolicy relationship will continue to be populated when reading an Organization or Workspace, but it may be removed in a future release. @JarrettSpiker #652
  • The SetDataRetentionPolicy function on Organizations and Workspaces is now deprecated in favour of SetDataRetentionPolicyDeleteOlder or SetDataRetentionPolicyDontDelete. SetDataRetentionPolicy will only update the data retention policy when communicating with TFE versions v202311 and v202312. @JarrettSpiker #652
  • The ReadDataRetentionPolicy function on Organizations and Workspaces is now deprecated in favour of ReadDataRetentionPolicyChoice. ReadDataRetentionPolicyChoice may return the different multiple data retention policy types added in TFE 202401-1. SetDataRetentionPolicy will only update the data retention policy when communicating with TFE versions v202311 and v202312. @JarrettSpiker #652
