- JDK 17 or later,
- Apache Maven 3.8.5 or later,
To build
$ mvn install
In addition to APIs in various modules, bio also provides a set of
command line tools, gathered together into a single top-level dsh-bio
$ dsh-bio --help
dsh-bio [command] [args]
bin-fastq-quality-scores bin quality scores from files in FASTQ format
compress-bed compress features in BED format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-fasta compress sequences in FASTA format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-fastq compress sequences in FASTQ format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-gaf compress alignments in GAF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-gfa1 compress assembly in GFA 1.0 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-gfa2 compress assembly in GFA 2.0 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-gff3 compress features in GFF3 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-paf compress alignments in PAF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-rgfa compress assembly in rGFA format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-sam compress alignments in SAM format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
compress-vcf compress variants and genotypes in VCF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
count-fastq count DNA sequences in FASTQ format
create-sequence-dictionary create a SequenceDictionary from DNA sequences in FASTA format
disinterleave-fastq convert interleaved FASTQ format into first and second DNA sequence files in FASTQ format
downsample-fastq downsample DNA sequences from files in FASTQ format
downsample-interleaved-fastq downsample DNA sequences from a file in interleaved FASTQ format
export-segments export assembly segment sequences in GFA 1.0 format to FASTA format
extract-fasta extract matching DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format
extract-fasta-kmers extract kmers from DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format
extract-fasta-kmers-to-parquet (beta) extract kmers from DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format
extract-fasta-kmers-to-parquet3 (beta) extract kmers from DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format
extract-fastq extract matching DNA sequences in FASTQ format
extract-fastq-by-length extract DNA sequences in FASTQ format with a range of lengths
fasta-index-to-pangenome convert DNA sequences in FASTA index (.fai) format to pangenome text format
fasta-index-to-pangenome-tree convert DNA sequences in FASTA index (.fai) format to pangenome tree format
fasta-to-fastq convert DNA sequences in FASTA format to FASTQ format
fasta-to-pangenome convert DNA sequences in FASTA format to pangenome text format
fasta-to-pangenome-tree convert DNA sequences in FASTA format to pangenome tree format
fasta-to-parquet (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format
fasta-to-parquet2 (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with transaction size
fasta-to-parquet3 (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with partition size
fasta-to-parquet4 (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with flush after
fasta-to-parquet5 (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, per thread output
fasta-to-parquet6 (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, per thread output, no view
fasta-to-text convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to tab-separated values (tsv) text format
fastq-description output description lines from DNA sequences in FASTQ format
fastq-sequence-length output sequence lengths from DNA sequences in FASTQ format
fastq-to-bam convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to unaligned BAM format
fastq-to-fasta convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to FASTA format
fastq-to-text convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to tab-separated values (tsv) text format
filter-bed filter features in BED format
filter-fasta filter sequences in FASTA format
filter-fastq filter sequences in FASTQ format
filter-gaf filter alignments in GAF format
filter-gfa1 filter assembly in GFA 1.0 format
filter-gfa2 filter assembly in GFA 2.0 format
filter-gff3 filter features in GFF3 format
filter-paf filter alignments in PAF format
filter-rgfa filter assembly in rGFA format
filter-sam filter alignments in SAM format
filter-vcf filter variants in VCF format
gfa1-to-gfa2 convert GFA 1.0 format to GFA 2.0 format
gff3-to-bed convert transcript features in GFF3 format to BED format
identify-gfa1 add identifier annotation to records in GFA 1.0 format
interleave-fastq convert first and second DNA sequence files in FASTQ format to interleaved FASTQ format
interleaved-fastq-to-bam convert DNA sequences in interleaved FASTQ format to unaligned BAM format
links-to-cytoscape-edges convert links in GFA 1.0 format to edges.txt format for Cytoscape
links-to-property-graph convert links in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
list-filesystems list filesystem providers
reassemble-paths reassemble paths in GFA 1.0 format from traversal records
remap-dbsnp remap DB Type=String flags in VCF format to DB Type=Flag and dbsnp Type=String fields
remap-phase-set remap PS Type=String phase set ids in VCF format to PS Type=Integer
rename-bed-references rename references in BED files
rename-gff3-references rename references in GFF3 files
rename-vcf-references rename references in VCF files
segments-to-cytoscape-nodes convert segments in GFA 1.0 format to nodes.txt format for Cytoscape
segments-to-property-graph convert segments in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
split-bed split files in BED format
split-fasta split files in FASTA format
split-fastq split files in FASTQ format
split-gaf split files in GAF format
split-gff3 split files in GFF3 format
split-interleaved-fastq split files in interleaved FASTQ format
split-paf split files in PAF format
split-sam split files in SAM format
split-vcf split files in VCF format
summarize-uniprot-entries summarize UniProt entries in XML format
summarize-uniprot-entries-to-parquet summarize UniProt entries in XML format to Parquet format
text-to-fasta convert DNA or protein sequences in tab-separated values (tsv) text format to FASTA format
text-to-fastq convert DNA sequences in tab-separated values (tsv) text format to FASTQ format
traversals-to-cytoscape-edges convert traversals in GFA 1.0 format to edges.txt format for Cytoscape
traversals-to-property-graph convert traversals in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
traverse-paths traverse paths in GFA 1.0 format
truncate-fasta truncate DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format
truncate-paths truncate paths in GFA 1.0 format
variant-table-to-vcf convert Ensembl variant table to VCF format
vcf-pedigree extract a pedigree from VCF format
vcf-samples extract samples from VCF format
-a, --about display about message [optional]
-v, --version display about message [optional]
-h, --help display help message [optional]
$ dsh-bio split-bed --help
dsh-split-bed -r 100 -i foo.bed.gz
-a, --about display about message [optional]
-h, --help display help message [optional]
-i, --input-path [interface java.nio.file.Path] input BED path, default stdin [optional]
-b, --bytes [class java.lang.String] split input path at next record after each n bytes [optional]
-r, --records [class java.lang.Long] split input path after each n records [optional]
-p, --prefix [class java.lang.String] output file prefix [optional]
-d, --left-pad [class java.lang.Integer] left pad split index in output file name [optional]
-s, --suffix [class java.lang.String] output file suffix, e.g. .bed.gz [optional]
Each command is also available as a separate script, e.g. dsh-split-bed
$ dsh-split-bed --help
dsh-split-bed -r 100 -i foo.bed.gz
-a, --about display about message [optional]
-h, --help display help message [optional]
-i, --input-path [interface java.nio.file.Path] input BED path, default stdin [optional]
-b, --bytes [class java.lang.String] split input path at next record after each n bytes [optional]
-r, --records [class java.lang.Long] split input path after each n records [optional]
-p, --prefix [class java.lang.String] output file prefix [optional]
-d, --left-pad [class java.lang.Integer] left pad split index in output file name [optional]
-s, --suffix [class java.lang.String] output file suffix, e.g. .bed.gz [optional]
Across the bio command line tools, stdin and stdout should behave as expected,
and files and streams compressed with Zstandard (zstd), XZ, GZIP, BZip2, and block-compressed GZIP
(BGZF) are handled transparently. Use file extensions .zst
, .xz
, .gz
, .bz2
, and .bgz
respectively to force the issue, if necessary.
As of version 2.1, cloud storage file systems from Google Cloud Storage (via gs://
and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (via s3://
paths) are supported for input paths.
$ dsh-bio list-filesystems
Installed filesystem providers:
file sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystemProvider
jar jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider
jrt jdk.internal.jrtfs.JrtFileSystemProvider
Commands with a --script
argument expect an expression written in JavaScript that evaluates
to boolean true or false against a record, provided in the context as variable r
. For example,
with dsh-filter-bed
, to filter BED records by chromosome and score
r.getChrom() == 1 && r.getScore() > 10
specified on the command line as
$ dsh-bio filter-bed -i input.bed --script "r.getChrom() == 1 && r.getScore() > 10"
The bio command line tools are available in Conda via Bioconda,
$ conda install dsh-bio
The bio command line tools are available in Homebrew via Brewsci/bio,
$ brew install brewsci/bio/dsh-bio
The bio command line tools are available in Docker via BioContainers,
$ docker pull{tag}
Find {tag}
on the tag search page,
This repository contains test data copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see
These test data distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License.