Migrates from mezzo to freestyle-rpc style, license, etc. (#4 )
Adds a dummy grpc demo for testing purposes (#5 )
gRPC extended Demos (#6 )
grpc-gateway Demo (#7 )
Divides demo projects in two different sbt modules (#8 )
Provides grpc configuration DSL and GrpcServer algebras (#13 )
Provides a Demo Extension (#14 )
Client Definitions based on free algebras - Unary Services (#16 )
Migrates to sbt-freestyle 0.1.0 (#19 )
Server/Channel Configuration (#20 )
Server Definitions - Test Coverage (#22 )
Adds additional server definitions tests (#23 )
Generate .proto files from Freestyle service protocols (#12 )
Adds tests for some client handlers (#27 )
@service Macro (#31 )
RPC Client macro definitions (#32 )
monix.reactive.Observable for Streaming Services API (#33 )
Completes the basic Example (#36 )
Minor fix (#35 )
Renaming to frees-rpc. Moves examples to its own repository (#40 )
Upgrades gRPC. Releases frees-rpc 0.0.1. (#41 )
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