247 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
Libraries upgrades
What's changed
- Update natchez-core, natchez-jaeger to 0.3.1 (#1599) @47erbot
- Adds some retries for the flaky tests (#1601) @fedefernandez
- Updates docker it library (#1602) @fedefernandez
- Update metrics-core, metrics-jmx to 4.2.16 (#1604) @47erbot
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.4.7 (#1605) @47erbot
- Update scalacheck-toolbox-datetime to 0.7.0 (#1603) @47erbot
- Bump sbt-microsites (#1600) @fedefernandez
- Update sbt-mu-srcgen to 0.30.2 (#1584) @47erbot
- Update grpc-all, grpc-core, grpc-netty, ... to 1.53.0 (#1598) @47erbot
- Update fs2-core to 3.6.1 (#1597) @47erbot
- Update fs2-grpc-runtime to 2.5.10 (#1596) @47erbot
- Update scalapb-runtime, ... to 0.11.13 (#1595) @47erbot
- Update fs2-grpc-runtime to 2.5.9 (#1594) @47erbot
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.4.6 (#1593) @47erbot
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.4 (#1592) @47erbot
- Update scala3-library to 3.2.2 (#1590) @47erbot
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.3.7 (#1591) @47erbot
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.1 (#1589) @47erbot
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.0 (#1585) @47erbot
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.4.5 (#1587) @47erbot
- Update fs2-grpc-runtime to 2.5.8 (#1588) @47erbot