This repo contains server-side implementation for Wireview website. This server is responsible for handling user authentication, managing products, processing orders, and more.
- Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing user data, products, and orders.
- Mongoose: An ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
- Cors: Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
- Bcrypt: A library for hashing passwords.
- Jsonwebtoken (JWT): Used for creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.
- Stripe: Payment processing integration for handling transactions.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
cd wireviewserver
- Install Dependencies
npm install
Create a .env file at the root of your project directory. Add the necessary environment variables, including JWT_SECRET, STRIPE_KEY.
- Start the server
npm start
- The server will be running on http://localhost:3001.
- Endpoints mentioned below require a valid user token in the Authorization header (
Bearer <token>
). /admin/login
endpoint additionally requires an admin role for the user.
Body Parameters:
- All body parameters should be sent as JSON data in the request body.
- All responses include a status code and a JSON body.
- Refer to the individual endpoint descriptions for specific response details.
POST /signup
Registers a new user.
Request Body:
Parameter | Type | Description |
username | string | Username for the new user |
password | string | Password for the new user |
201 Created
: Success message and JWT token if registration is successful400 Bad Request
: Missing required fields or invalid data403 Forbidden
: Username already exists
POST /login
Logs in a regular user.
Request Body:
Parameter | Type | Description |
username | string | Username of the user |
password | string | Password of the user |
200 OK
: Success message and JWT token if login is successful403 Forbidden
: Invalid username or password
POST /admin/login
Logs in an admin user.
Request Body:
Parameter | Type | Description |
username | string | Username of the admin user |
password | string | Password of the admin user |
200 OK
: Success message, JWT token, username, and isAdmin flag if login is successful403 Forbidden
: Invalid username or password, user is not an admin
GET /me
Retrieves information about the currently authenticated user.
Requires authentication
: Validates the user's JWT token.
200 OK
: User object401 Unauthorized
: Invalid or missing authentication token403 Forbidden
: Invalid JWT token404 Not Found
: User not found500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
Potential Errors:
- Invalid JWT token: If the JWT token is invalid or has expired, a 403 Forbidden response will be returned.
- Database connection errors: If the database is unavailable or encounters errors, a 500 Internal Server Error response will be returned, along with an error message in the JSON body.
- Unexpected errors: Other unexpected errors will also result in a 500 Internal Server Error response, with a generic error message.
GET /cart
Retrieves the user's cart.
Requires authentication
: Validates the user's JWT token.
200 OK
: Cart object with populated products401 Unauthorized
: Invalid or missing authentication token403 Forbidden
: User not found404 Not Found
: Cart not found500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
GET /cartQuantity
Retrieves the total quantity of items in the user's cart.
Requires authentication
: Validates the user's JWT token.
200 OK
: Total quantity of items in the cart401 Unauthorized
: Invalid or missing authentication token403 Forbidden
: User not found404 Not Found
: Cart not found500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
DELETE /deleteFromCart/:productId
Deletes a product from the user's cart.
Requires authentication
: Validates the user's JWT token.
200 OK
: Success message400 Bad Request
: Invalid product ID401 Unauthorized
: Invalid or missing authentication token403 Forbidden
: User not found404 Not Found
: Cart not found or product not found in cart500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
POST /addToCart
Adds a product to the user's cart.
Requires authentication
: Validates the user's JWT token.
Request Body:
Parameter | Type | Description |
productId | string | ID of the product to add |
quantity | number | Quantity of the product to add |
price | number (optional) | Price of the product (if not already available in the product data) |
200 OK
: Success message400 Bad Request
: Missing required fields or invalid data401 Unauthorized
: Invalid or missing authentication token403 Forbidden
: User not found or product not found409 Conflict
: Product addition failed due to conflicts500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
GET /products
Retrieves all published products.
200 OK
: Array of product objects404 Not Found
: No published products found500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
GET /category/:category
Retrieves all published products within a specific category.
: The category to filter products by
200 OK
: Array of product objects matching the category404 Not Found
: Category not found or no published products in the category500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
GET /products/:productId
Retrieves a specific product by its ID.
: The ID of the product to retrieve
200 OK
: Product object404 Not Found
: Product not found500 Internal Server Error
: Database errors or other unexpected issues
POST /purchase
Creates a new order for the authenticated user.
Requires authentication: Yes
Middleware: authenticateJwt
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type | Example |
products |
Array of products to purchase | Yes | Array of Objects | [{"productId": "123", "quantity": 2}, {"productId": "456", "quantity": 1}] |
- 200 OK: Success message
- 400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid products - data
- 404 Not Found: User not found
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token
- 500 Internal Server Error: Database errors or other unexpected issues
POST /create-checkout-session
To initiate a checkout process
Requires authentication: Yes
Middleware: authenticateJwt
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type | Example |
product |
Array of products to purchase | Yes | Array of Objects | [{"name": "Product Name", "price": 10.99, "quantity": 2}] |
- 200 OK: Stripe checkout session object
- 404 Not Found: User not found
- 400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid product data
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token
- 500 Internal Server Error: Database errors or other unexpected issues
Additional Notes
- The route uses the stripe library to create a Stripe checkout session.
- It creates a new order in the database and updates the user's order history.
- It clears the user's cart after a successful checkout.
GET /orders
Retrieves all the orders.
- 200 OK: Array of order objects, sorted by date in descending order
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token
- 403 Forbidden: User is not an admin
- 404 Not Found: User not found
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error fetching orders
PUT /updateOrderStatus/:orderId
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type |
orderId |
ID of the order to update | Yes | String |
status |
New status of the order | Yes | String |
- 200 OK: Message indicating successful status update
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token
- 403 Forbidden: User is not an admin
- 404 Not Found: Order not found
- 400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid status data
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error updating order status
POST /addproduct
Requires authentication: Yes Requires Admin Priviliges: Yes
Middleware: authenticateJwt
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type |
productName |
Name of the product | Yes | String |
productDescription |
Description of the product | Yes | String |
productPrice |
Price of the product | Yes | Number |
productCategory |
Category of the product | Yes | String |
productColor |
Color of the product | Yes | String |
productQuantity |
Quantity of the product available | Yes | Number |
productMediaUrl |
URL of the product's main image | Yes | String |
thUrl |
URL of the product's thumbnail image | Yes | String |
published |
Whether the product should be published immediately (optional) | Yes | Boolean |
- 201 Created: Saved product object and success message
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token
- 403 Forbidden: User is not an admin or missing required fields
- 400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid product data
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error adding the product
GET /products
Requires authentication: No
No parameters required.
- 200 OK: Array of published product objects
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error fetching products
GET /category/:category
Requires authentication: No
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type |
Category | Name of the category to retrieve products for | ||
Yes | String |
- 200 OK: Array of published product objects matching the category
- 404 Not Found: Category not found or no published products in the category
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error fetching products
GET /products/:productId
Requires authentication: No
Parameter | Description | Required | Data Type |
productId | ID of the product to retrieve | Yes |
- 200 OK: Product object
- 404 Not Found: Product not found
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error fetching product
No parameters required.
- 200 OK: Array of user's order history objects, including populated product details.
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token.
- 404 Not Found: User not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Error fetching order history.